Official Parish Council Documents

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The Council Business page details the legally required documents, such as agendas and minutes, for a number of years of work performed by Billingborough Parish Council.

Agendas detail the items for discussion at each meeting, and any resolutions (decisions) that are due to be made.

  • Agendas should be finalised three clear working days before each meeting and are published on this webpage and the Parish Council Noticeboard, which is situated on the Vicarage wall, on the High Street.

Minutes are the official written record of discussions and decisions made at each Parish Council meeting.

  • The Minutes are accepted and approved at the next Council meeting, but the Draft version will be available within one month of the Meeting.
  • Once approved by the Council, the draft will be replaced with the final version; the file copy is signed and retained by the Clerk.

The Council Business page also details the end of year accounts for Billingborough Parish Council and any External Audit Reports where available.

At the end of each Financial Year (FY) which is April to March, once ratified by the Council, a summary of the Income and Expenditure is published. There is also an inspection period for any Local Government Elector, their representatives or the Press to review the Accounts. Appointments are arranged through the Parish Clerk; details are published as soon as the dates are confirmed, usually mid May.

You can view historical documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) by visiting the Council Business Homepage on this website by clicking on the link below which takes you to that page. Documents displayed on this website as PDF documents may be downloaded to your own computer for viewing.

If you wish to view, or obtain a hardcopy, of any earlier documents not displayed on this website, please contact the Parish Clerk. Please note that if you request hardcopies of any documents, a fee may be charged in line with the Council's Data Publication Policy.