
With the exception of the Parish meeting on 14 May, all Meetings take place at 6.45pm. If no public are present at 6.30pm for the public forum, the Council meeting will commence at 6.30pm

Prior to each Meeting, there will be a short Public Forum, starting at 6.30pm, unless otherwise stated on the Agenda. This session is for residents to give feedback, ask questions or raise issues with the Parish Council.  Everyone is welcome to observe the Council Meeting but must not speak unless stated on the Agenda, or specifically invited by the Council.

An Agenda will be published a few days before each Meeting and will detail the topics for discussion/decision and any changes to dates, times and location. Please check the website and Notice Board for details.


Meeting Type


Tuesday 9 January

Precept & Budget Approval

Sports pavilion

Recreation Ground

Tuesday 13 Feb

General Meeting

Sports pavilion

Recreation Ground

Tuesday 12 March

Policy Review Meeting

Sports pavilion

Recreation Ground

Tuesday 14 May

Annual Parish Meeting

Sports Pavilion

Recreation Ground

From 6.00pm

Council AGM & End of Year Accounts Approval

Tuesday 11 June

General Meeting

Sports pavilion

Recreation Ground

Tuesday 9 July


General Meeting

Sports Pavilion

Recreation Ground

Tuesday 10 September

General Meeting

Sports pavilion

Recreation Ground

Tuesday 8 October

General Meeting

Sports Pavilion

Recreation Ground

Tuesday 12 November

DRAFT Precept & Budget

Sports pavilion

Recreation Ground