July 2019 Minutes

Billingborough Parish Council 
Approved Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 09 July 2019 in the Sports Pavilion, Billingborough Recreation Ground
Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), P. Pocock, V. Vince, F. Stevenson R. Stafford, A. Volanakis & P. Harvey-Volanakis In Attendance: Mrs M. Free (Temporary Clerk) H Beaver (Clerk and RFO from item 4) & D. Cllr Hansen (SKDC).
There were no public comments; the Chairman opened the Meeting at 6.33pm.

1. Chairman’s Opening remarks 

048.The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 
2. Apologies for Absence

049. Not applicable. All Cllrs present.
3. Receive any new Declarations of Interest

050. There were no new Declarations of Interest to be recorded.
4. Resolve Interview Panel Recommendation for new Clerk & RFO

051. The recommended candidate was in attendance and introduced to the Council. The Chairman reminded the Council of the previously circulated recommendation, candidate CV and references. There were no questions. The candidate was absent for the vote. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the recommended candidate, Mrs Hayley Beaver, as the new Clerk & RFO. Mrs Beaver accepted to post and joined the Council table. 

052.The Chairman welcomed the new incumbent and reminded Cllrs of the need to explain Agenda items.
5. Approve the Minutes of the Annual Meetings

053. The previously circulated Draft APM & AGM Minutes were discussed. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on 13 May 2019 as a true and accurate Draft record, and the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on 21 May 2019 as a true and accurate record; LALC had advised that Apologies for Absence were not required at the AGM. Chairman signed the file copy.
6. Receive any external reports

054. SKDC. D. Cllr Hansen confirmed that the Grimers Transport Planning Application had been cancelled last minute due to drainage, surface water and contamination issues. The site had been sold and he was trying to contact the new owner to clarify the next step. The Chairman confirmed that a resident had complained about the overhanging trees from the Site. Chairman had passed Cllr Hansen’s details to this resident.

055. D. Cllr Hansen had been a member of the Rural & Community Committee. The County was very underfunded. He had proposed that local MPs should support the National Fairer Funding Campaign, but this had been rejected in favour of the Lincolnshire Campaign. A joint Community Crowd-Funding initiative was also being considered. Bus and Post Officer Services were limited and SKDC staff morale was low with high sickness rates. 

056. Police. There was no police presence. The Neighbourhood Police Panel Meetings had not been held due to illness but were expected to cease in favour of other initiatives to aid connections with the community.
7. Receive any Community Groups or Organisation Reports

057. Cllr Stafford confirmed that there had been no update from the Toller Trust.

058. The BAGS update was discussed under item 9.c)
8. YOS update

059. Cllr Stevenson informed the Council that it had been frustrating when the planning of suitable tasks for the Youth Offenders Scheme was wasted with a ‘no show’; this was shared by the YOS Co- 
ordinator. Painting the Rec. Grd goal posts was proposed as a suitable task. Cllr Stevenson presented a receipt for reimbursement of the Spring Wells paint. The Chairman thanked Cllr Stevenson for sweeping the courts when let down by the YOS.
9. Parish Matters 

a. Recreation Ground: 

i. Quotes refurbishment

060. Quotes for the perimeter fencing repair, replacement litter bins, and the Pavilion roller doors, facias and painting had been previously circulated by the Chairman. 

061. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the fencing repair quote from SD Cox Fencing and the purchase of shrubs from Aveland Trees. Chairman to contact the contractor to arrange a start date.

062. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the Pavilion painting quote from K.P. Weingaertner. Chairman to appoint contactor and arrange start date.

063. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the quote to fit electronic roller doors on the Pavilion from Security Gates and Doors, subject to confirmation of the guarantee. Chairman to contact the contractor to clarify and arrange start date if agreeable.

064. The quotes for fitted uPVC facias were all deemed to be excessive. The option of purchasing the materials and finding a local tradesman to fit them was discussed. The Council unanimously resolved to seek a self-help and local solution for the facias. A maximum budget of £2000 was agreed. Chairman to obtain quotes and circulate to Cllrs for agreement by email. 

065. The Council unanimously resolved to install 6 eco covered lockable bins at the Rec. Grd, subject to confirmation of the ground securing option. A maximum budget of £1000 was agreed. Chairman to clarify or obtain other quotes and circulate to Cllrs for agreement by email.

ii. Anti-Social Behaviour

066. There had been 4 recent reports of ASB to Police. This included, smashed glass and copious amounts of rubbish on the carpark and field; vehicles driving through the fence and around the cricket pitch; broken cradle swing and large groups congregating late at night. The incidents have been reported and the vehicles identified on the CCTV are known to Police. There had been a spate of invites to meet at recreation grounds across the county on social media, which had attracted people from other areas. 

067. Late night Police Patrols had been requested and additional CCTV was being considered. The Chairman read a proposed letter for entry in the Parish Magazine, which would include the other local villages. Chairman to circulate revised letter to Cllrs for approval by email and obtain quotes for additional CCTV cameras.

iii. Tennis Courts

068. The Courts had been unlocked during daylight hours for 4 weeks and no issues had been reported. Usage had increased but an entry in the Newsletter would help this. Cllr Volanakis to include open court information in the next Newsletter.

069. The Chairman proposed that the courts be made available to the school for use during term time. The Council supported the proposal in theory. Chairman to discuss feasibility with the School.

iv. Replacement Swing

070. Replacement of the vandalised cradle swing was expected to cost £135 + VAT but would require self-help to fit. The Council unanimously approved the order of a replacement swing; Chairman to arrange.

v. Disabled Access

071. The Chairman had received comments of an issue for disabled access onto the Rec. Grd if the fence was repaired. Wheelchair access was available through the vehicle entrance gate. Cutting back of the hedge by the pedestrian gate should also enable disabled access. Chairman offered to trim the hedge. Chairman to trim pedestrian entrance hedge.

vi. Bowling Green

072. The Council Chairman had spoken to the Chairman of the Bowls Cttee. The area was considerably overgrown and had not been used or maintained for some time. The Cttee were apparently planning a 12-month break before reinstating it. The Chairman had requested that this be confirmed in writing but nothing as yet received. Chairman to research historical agreement and chase written response from Bowls Cttee and arrange a meeting; Cllr Volanakis volunteered to attend.

vii. Entrance gate to play area

073. The Chairman confirmed that parts of the mesh panel on the pedestrian entrance gate were broken but had been secured with tywraps. Repair and replacement options were discussed. A stop barrier was required for child safety. Cllr Stafford to contact Blacksmith for repair and replacement quotes. Cllr Vince to obtain quotes for alternative entrance gates. Cllr Stevenson to remove painting task from YOS job list.

b. Cemetery:

i. Refurbishment

074. Quotes for the dividing fence and gate repair had been previously circulated by the Chairman. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the fencing and gate repair quote from SD Cox Fencing; Chairman to seek discount for multiple jobs and arrange start date.

ii. Weed Spraying & Grass Cutting

075. The Chairman briefed the Council on the advice on suitable planting from the Caretaker. Some maintenance was required on the trees before any additional planting could take place. The Chairman had spoken to the grass cutting contractor and the standard had improved, including strimming around the headstones. The Council unanimously agreed reducing the canopy of the existing trees and removing the self-seeded specimens. Cllr Stafford to obtain quotes for tree work. 

iii. Horse Field Rent

076. The unused half of the Cemetery was currently being rented out for grazing a horse for a nominal fee, which had not been reviewed for some time. With the requirement for grave spaces increasing, a written agreement with an annual renewal was required. The Council unanimously resolved to apply a £20 increase to the annual rent starting in 2020. Cllr Volanakis to measure the area. Cllr Stafford to draft and circulate an agreement for Council approval. New Clerk to notify tenants; cover Clerk to forward details.

c. Allotments:

i. BAGS Contract update

077. The Chairman confirmed that the updated contract had still not been signed by BAGS. However, a Meeting had been arranged for 11thJuly, which included a site visit. Chairman attending, with Cllr Harvey-Volanakis. Item ongoing.

ii. Gates & Lock

078. The Chairman informed the Council that the cover at the base of the padlock had come loose and been lost. As it is considered that this is just a protection plate, the lock has not been replaced. The BAGS Secretary had been notified and asked to report any further issues.  Re staining the gates was discussed and it was unanimously resolved to undertake this task with the help of YOS. Cllr Stevenson to organise & liaise with YOS

iii. Contract update

079. Not required; duplicate item.

d. Spring Wells 

i. Refurbishment/Maintenance

080. The high water levels were eroding the soil in the island with the potential to make the willow tree unstable. Options to reinforce and/or extend the island were discussed. It was hoped that volunteers could help to maintain the area. Cllr Stafford to obtain quotes to reduce the willow tree. Cllr Harvey-Volanakis to seek advice from the EA regarding the island and water levels. Cllr Volanakis to put an entry in the Newsletter to ask for volunteers. 

081. A replacement sign to advise visitors on the correct food to feed the ducks was required. The option of selling duck feed locally was suggested but would probably conflict with hygiene requirements for local businesses. Cllr Volanakis to publish guidance on what to feed ducks in the Newsletter.

ii. No Access sign update

082. The No Access sign had been fitted at the entrance to the SKDC bungalows and was not overly obtrusive. It was hoped that this would improve access for the residents. Item closed.

e. Newsletter

083. Cllr Volanakis briefed the Council on the different cost options for the Newsletter. The invoices for the last 3 issues were still outstanding. The Council unanimously resolved to have a folded A4 Newsletter. Cllr Volanakis to chase the printing invoices.

f. Aveland Site Transfer

084. As previously agreed by email, the Council had appointed Mr Mike King as conduit between the Council and Land Agent in a voluntary capacity. The Chairman had written to the solicitor and Land Agent to confirm Mr King’s position; any decisions must be referred to the Council. The transfer was not expected to be completed by September therefore another extension to the early access license would be required. The Council resolved the decision to appoint Mr King as the nominated poc for the Site Transfer. 

g. Additional Litter Bins

085. SKDC had confirmed that any additional litter bins on Low Streetand Birthorpe Road would not be emptied as part of their existing rounds. However, if emptied locally, the bin bags would be collected. The Community Cleaner was not available to take on any additional work. The option of the bins being emptied by the councillors was discussed.  Cllr Stevenson and Cllrs Volanakis & Harvey-Volanakis offered to empty the Low Street and Birthorpe Road bins respectively. It was unanimously resolved to purchase an additional litter bin for Birthorpe Road, as per item 9a)i (065). (The possibility of relocating the existing bin on Birthorpe Rd was discussed but decided against.) Chairman to arrange purchases but will clarify details and measurements before purchasing one for Low Street. 

h. Application for Memorial Bench

086. The Chairman had forwarded images of the existing benches at Spring Wells to the donor and informed them of the future maintenance requirements. No response had been received. Item ongoing.   

i. Brown Sign renewal

087. The Chairman confirmed that, following a policy change, retention of the brown finger sign for Spring Wells would require a new application to be submitted to LCC at a cost of £100; this would not be refunded if the new application was refused. The Council resolved by majority to submit the renewal application. Cllr Volanakis to submit the form.

j. Solar Speed Sign

088. Cllr Volanakis confirmed that the existing battery sign could not be converted to solar. Quotes ranging from £2500-£4000 had been obtained. The requirement for additional permission and a reinforced post needed to be confirmed. Cllr Volanakis to confirm the requirements of a replacement sign with LRSP. In the interim, Cllrs Volanakis & Harvey-Volanakis were content to recharge the sign. 

k. Emergency Plan

089. Cllr Harvey-Volanakis confirmed that no progress had been made on the Plan. Item deferred to September Meeting.

l. Horbling PC Contribution to Recreation Ground

090. The Chairman confirmed that a cheque had finally been received from Horbling Parish Council for the FY2018/19 towards the upkeep of the Rec. Grd; she had written to thank them for this, emphasising that it was for the financial year 2018/19. The donation for the FY 2019/20 is still outstanding. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to meet with Horbling P C’s chairman to establish a better relationship and highlight the costs incurred by Billingborough for the shared facility. Cllr Volanakis agreed to accompany the Chairman to a Meeting.

m. Possible Police Station Transfer Update

091. The previous Chairman had been unable to locate any history regarding the previous discussion to transferring the Police Station to the Parish Council. The future police requirement for the office space was unclear; there was a possibility of the Bourne office closing so the space would be required. Previous Chairman attending the next Meeting to aid Council discussions. Item deferred to September Meeting.
10. Accounts 

a. Insurance renewal

092. The long-term agreement with the current insurer was due to expire in August. Cllr Volanakis in process of obtaining quotes. Cllr Volanakis to circulate insurance quotes for Council agreement by email.

b. CPRE Membership renewal

093. The renewal of the CPRE Membership was discussed. The Council resolved by majority to renewal the Membership. RFO to confirm payment arrangements.

c. Approval of Accounts to date & Expenditure

094. The previously circulated accounts and expenditure for approval was discussed. The RFO confirmed that the expected payments for August had been included but would not be submitted for authorisation until the invoices were received. Cllrs Harvey-Volanakis & Stevenson presented receipts for reimbursement and abstained from the decision to authorise the payments. The remaining Cllrs unanimously resolved to approve the list of expenditure, subject to receipt of the invoices. Cllrs Stafford & Vince signed the payments list and cheque. Cllrs Harvey-Volanakis & Stevenson to confirm payment details by email. RFO to raise approved BACS payments for authorisation. 
11. Planning Update

095. There were no new applications or updates.   
12. Correspondence

096. The Chairman confirmed that a poster advertising the RAF Benevolent Fund had been received and published on the website, along with a Job Centre link.  An enquiry from someone tracing their family history had also been received. More information was requested but no response had been received. Cllr Pocock to follow this up

097. Road Closure Notice. The Piperdam Bridge on Folkingham Road was due to be closed for 6 weeks from 23 September for repair works. A diversion would be in place. Information to be published on the Noticeboard & website.
13. Contracts Review –Closed Session

098. The Chairman read the required statement and the Council unanimously resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the personal details of the contracts to be discussed. D. Cllr Hansen was thanked for attending and left the Meeting.

099. The payment details and probation requirements of the Clerk & RFO contract were confirmed and the proposed contract issued to the New Clerk. New Clerk to contact the Chairman to discuss any queries and sign the Contract. 

100. The Community Cleaner, Rec. Grd Caretaker and Cemetery Caretaker contracts were reviewed pending reissue for signature. Chairman to amend the Rec Grd Caretaker contract to include the sports court and ensure the fire safety checks were being carried out.
14. Training of new Clerk

101. The required number of handover hours with the cover Clerk was discussed. It was unanimously agreed to allocate 12-18 hours for handover to be reviewed the Chairman. 
15. Receive any Urgent Matters Arising 

102. Cllr Pocock highlighted issues with uneven pavement surface on the High Street. Cllr Pocock to report issues to LCC Highways via www.fixmystreet.com website details to be included in the Newsletter for direct reporting of issues by residents. 

103. The shop front of the Chip Shop had been painted white, but it was unclear if this was the final colour due to its location within a conservation area. Cllr Stevenson to make enquiries with the new owner/tenant.  

104. The present tenants of the Fortesque Arms were departing on 12 July. A replacement Tenant was expected, immediately. 

105. Cllr Pocock highlighted issues with uneven pavement surface on the High Street. Cllr Pocock to report issues to LCC Highways via www.fixmystreet.com website details to be included in the Newsletter for direct reporting of issues by residents. 

a. Items for Next Agenda

106. In addition to the items already highlighted, the Cricket Club Agreement was to be included on the next Agenda.   
There being no more business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.18pm.