November 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Billingborough Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12 November 2019 in the Billingborough Primary School, Victoria Street

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), P. Pocock, R. Stafford, M. King, & F. Stevenson

In Attendance: Mrs M. Free (Clerk) &, in his capacity as Dist. Cllr, Cllr King for item 7.

There were no members of public present, so the Chairman opened the Meeting at 6.30pm.

1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

169. The Chairman welcomed everyone and thanked them for their efforts in progressing matters outside of the Meeting.

170. The Chairman felt that it was important to reiterate and remind everyone of the need to be courteous, polite and follow the laid down procedures for raising comments and/or opinions via the Chair at the Meeting. It was important that emails were checked in a timely fashion and responded to when requested. Anyone having difficulty with emails and electronic correspondence should request hardcopies from the Clerk. 

171. All Council expenditure must be carried out in accordance with the Finance Regulations, which stated the rules for instructing works and authorising emergency spend. Any changes must be carried out following consideration and approval by the Council. Cllr King supported a review of the spending powers and asked for this to be carried out earlier than the March annual review. It was unanimously agreed to include a review of the Finance Regulations spending limits at the next Meeting. Clerk to action.

2. Apologies for absence

172. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllrs Vince and Salvidge.

3. Receive any new Declarations of Interest

173. There were no new declarations of interest notified. 

4. Councillor Vacancies & Possible Co-option

174. There were no applications to consider. The Chairman reminded the Council of the need to identify suitable candidates to fill the 2 vacancies. The vacant role of Vice Chairman was also highlighted. There were no offers.

5. Clerk & RFO Vacancy 

175. The three applications received had been circulated to all cllrs prior to the Meeting. The previously delegated Interview Panel confirmed no knowledge of any candidate. The preferred interview dates, times and location were discussed. To ensure all candidates were assessed equally, a scoring matrix and list of set questions would be utilised. The Council unanimously resolved to invite all applicants to attend an interview. Interview Panel confirmed as Cllrs Woodhead, King & Vince. Cllr King to circulate interview matrix to all Cllrs. Clerk to book the room and invite candidates. Interview Panel recommendation to be resolved by the Council at the next Meeting.

6. To Approve the Minutes of the last Meeting 

176. The Draft Minutes of the Meeting on Monday 11 October were unanimously accepted as a true record of the Meeting; the Chairman signed the file copy.

7. Receive Any External Reports. 

177. There was no Police or LCC Report. The latest Neighbourhood Police Forum Meeting was being held that evening; Cllr Vince had sent apologies. 

178. SKDC. The latest SKDC Parish News had been recently published and circulated to all Cllrs. D.Cllr King reiterated some highlights, including the £25,000 lottery winner, and a new cycle road race coming to Bourne. Two applications were being considered for donations from Cllr King’s Ward Fund, but funds were still available. 

8. Receive any Community Group & Organisation reports.

179. No Group or Organisation Reports were available. Cllr Stafford had not been invited to the recent Toller Educational Trust. 

9. Parish Matters

a. Tree Work

180. Cllr Stafford had submitted the details of the required work to 4 companies with a deadline for responses within 4 weeks. The details had been sent in hardcopy by recorded delivery; the Clerk confirmed that the postage costs could be reclaimed. 

b. Probationers Tasks

181. Cllr Stevenson confirmed that the probationer team had been in the village on Saturday and had continued the work on the Recreation Ground and jitties. A list of outdoor tasks had been identified but only a few indoor ones; the Clerk confirmed that previous tasks had included cleaning in the Pavilion. As agreed by email, Cllr Stevenson now had a set of keys for the Pavilion for ease of access. Task suggestions should be sent to Cllr Stevenson. Clerk to forward Caretaker contact details.

c. Council Newsletter

182. The Chairman confirmed that the current editor of the Parish Magazine was retiring from the role. A replacement, and the future, format and frequency of the magazine was unclear. The Chairman had examples of other local parish news formats and had made enquiries on the delivery costs for a Council Newsletter if required, Cllr King felt this could be done in-house. Clerk to include the topic in the next Agenda. 

183. The deadline for the December & January issue was 16 November. Urgent items for inclusion in the next Magazine should be sent to Cllr King by 15 November.

d. Recreation Ground

i. Damage to Height Bar

184. The Chairman updated the Council on the recent incident. The driver who had hit the bar had reported it immediately to the school, who had then closed for half-term. The driver had offered to pay for any damage and had been very apologetic. The Council discussed the options. The Council unanimously resolved to accept the apology and no payment would be required. The Chairman would inform the driver. 

ii. Outstanding Projects

185. The Chairman had chased an update on the Skate Park and broken fencing projects ahead of the Meeting but had not received a report. The cement bin had not yet been removed. Update deferred until next Meeting. 

e. Spring Wells

i. Sluice Gate & Weedcatcher

186. Cllr Stafford had chased the company who had made a site visit and promised a quote; a quote including the removal of the root ball had been requested. Cllr King suggested another contact and confirmed that Black Sluice had stated the need for a coffer dam and draining the area to carry out the work. Cllr King to pass on the contact details of another company. The water levels were being closely monitored. Decision deferred until next Meeting.

f. Aveland Site

i. Ownership Update

187. Cllr King confirmed that the legalities of the ownership transfer were still ongoing; the funds had been agreed. Information from the Council’s Solicitor, who had been replaced by a Legal Assistant, was still outstanding. Item ongoing.  

ii. Allotment Water Leak

188. Cllr King gave an update on the leak investigation from Cllr Salvidge. The Contractor had excavated the area before Standpipe 1 and confirmed that the leak is before this point in the pipework installed by the LCC Contractor. The water is currently turned off and the system drained. It was believed to be impractical for plot holders to only have access to one water point. Cllr King to chase LCC due to the ‘moral obligation’ of their contractor.

189. Anglian Water could also be chased as they have twice previously checked the system and confirmed no leaks. The Account was in the name of BAGS, who may not wish to be involved; Cllr King offered to assist if required. Item pending.

iii. BAGS Agreement

190. As previously agreed, Cllr King had met with the BAGS Chairman and Treasurer and presented the signed agreement. This had not yet been returned but had been frequently chased. 

iv. Entrance Lock Update

191. Cllr King confirmed that the work to adjust the entrance lock had been completed. The invoice was still outstanding but had been chased. Item ongoing. 

10. Finance Matters: a.  FY 2018/19 Accounts to Date

192. The Chairman confirmed that the previously circulated accounts had been reviewed by the Cllrs ahead of the Meeting. There were no comments or questions.

 i. Independent Inspection

193. Cllr Vince was absent from the Meeting so there was no update. 

ii. Approval of Expenditure

194. The previously circulated list of payments were presented for approval. The Clerk had raised the paperwork to update the account signatories. With the impending change in Clerk, the option to defer the signatory changes was discussed. The Council unanimously resolved to approve the payments and defer the update of bank signatories. Cllrs Stafford & Stevenson signed the cheques and payment sheet and to authorise the BACS payments asap.

b. FY 2019/20 Draft Budget & Precept Setting

195. The Draft Budget for the next FY was due to be discussed at the next Meeting.  The RFO was in the process of obtaining information on some of the expected costs, e.g. grass cutting. The Forecast Outturn of the current year and a proposed budget would be circulated. Cllr King gave an overview on how to prepare a Draft Budget. The Chairman asked for new project ideas to be considered ahead of the Meeting. Clerk circulate the current landscape contract for review and send proposed accounts to Chairman for approval before Council circulation.

11. Planning Update a. Comments on New Applications

196. The Clerk confirmed that a decision on applications S18/0158 (TPO at the Old Hall) and S18/1486 (Grimers Site Phase 1) were still Pending. Some issues with work carried out under S17/1982 had been identified by SKDC; a retrospective application may be required.

197. Comments on application S18/1961 (fell Peach Tree at 7 Chapel Street) were discussed. The Council unanimously had no objections to the Application.

12. Receive Urgent Reports

197. The Clerk confirmed that the outstanding Poppy Wreath had still not been received; the Chairman had sought a replacement ahead of Remembrance Sunday. Two wreaths had been ordered in September but only one had arrived. The wreath had been frequently chased by the Clerk. It was unanimously resolved for the borrowed wreath to be replaced if it arrived within a week. The Council resolved to write to RBL Poppy Appeal to highlight its disappointment. DRAFT to be sent to Chairman for approval.

13. Clerk’s Report & Correspondence

198. The Clerk briefed Council on the key points of the previously circulated report and correspondence received: Missing 40mph signs on Pointon Road; Resignation of the Internal Auditor; Impact of forthcoming Local Elections on cllr vacancies. The hardcopies were available for inspection. There were no questions from the Council. a. Items for the next Agenda.

199. The Meeting dates and locations for 2019 were presented and unanimously approved by the Council. Clerk to book the Meetings rooms and publish the dates. 

200. The Chairman briefed the Council on the return of a lost key, and the efforts of a local resident to return it to her; Thanks for key return to be included in the next Newsletter. 

201. Cllr King briefed the Council on a complaint received regarding a street light being obscured by overgrown vegetation, which he would report to SKDC. He had also been chasing the village car park fly tipping incidents. Due to misleading signage, HGVs were turning into the Whiteleather residential area instead of the Industrial Estate and causing issues for local residents; this would also be reported.  

202. No additional items highlighted. 

There being no more business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.11pm. 

Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 10 December (Draft Budget & Precept Meeting)

To be held in the Billingborough Primary School, commencing at 6.45pm.