January 2025 Agenda
Notice of Billingborough Parish Council Meeting, Sports Pavilion at the Recreation Ground on Tuesday 14 Jan 2025
Members of Billingborough Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the above commencing at 6.45pm. Members of the public are invited to attend. The meeting will be preceded with a Public Forum at 6.30pm, at which time any parishioner is invited to ask questions, make suggestions, raise issues or give feedback to the Council; All Members are requested to be in attendance. The Public Forum will be followed by the formal Council meeting, which will start at 6.30pm if no members of the public are present at that time. Unless stated in the Agenda, any items raised at the Public Forum requiring a decision, will appear on the Agenda at the next meeting. This meeting will be recorded.
Hayley Beaver
Clerk to the Council
8 Jan 2025
1. Chairman’s opening Remarks
2. Apologies for absence.
3. Receive any new declarations of interest.
4. To consider any requests from Members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda. To agree, or not, by resolution to any dispensations, including voting rights. (Decision – All)
5. Co-option – if required
6. Approve draft minutes of the meeting held 12 Nov 2024 (All)
7. Receive any external reports. (County and District Cllrs, etc)
8. Receive any Community groups or Organisation reports – as required.
9. Clerk’s Report.
10. Finance Matters:
a) To resolve to approve the accounts up to 31 Dec 2024. (RFO; Decision – All)
b) To resolve to agree to the payment of invoices on the list of transactions for approval. (RFO; Decision –All).
c) To receive an updated report on financial checks carried out by Cllr Turner.
d) To complete discussions regarding the budget for 2025-26, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following points: (RFO; Decision – All).
i) To discuss and resolve on which Cllr proposed projects to include in the budget for 2025-26, and to decide on which projects to put forward for consultation with the Parish. (Chairman; Decision – All).
ii) To discuss any quotes received for the appraisal of income from the rental of land.
iii) To discuss suggestions for generating income, as previously circulated by Cllr Woodhead.
iv) To discuss any further quotes received regarding the project at the recreation ground.
v) To discuss a proposal to reverse the previous decision to cease the distribution of the printed newsletter.
vi) To set the precept for 25-26 (Chairman; Decision – All).
vii) To Resolve to accept the budget for 25-26 as discussed/presented or with resolved alterations. (Chairman; Decision – All).
viii) To discuss any update on the reimbursement of costs already met with regards to maintaining the Aveland field.
ix) To discuss and resolve on replacement finials for village signs.
11. Admin:
a) To elect an HR Committee and appoint the Chairman of this Committee.
b) To receive a report from Cllr Woodhead on the recent Scribefest event.
c) To discuss and resolve on the proposed amendments to the Aveland Early Entry Licence.
d) To review the current rental agreement for the cemetery field and resolve on any amendments or additions.
12. To consider any quotes received for the purchase of chairs and tables for the pavilion, and also for the replacement of the pavilion front door.
13. To consider any repairs required for the pavilion heaters.
14. To consider repairs required to the CCTV system.
15. To assess if any action is required regarding a report of trees being cut at the recreation ground.
16. To receive an update from Cllr Middlebrook on the bio-diversity project and grant application at the Recreation Grd.
17. To consider any quotes received for proposed works at the cemetery, and discuss the choice of materials to be used.
18. To receive any update on the ownership of, and repair to the road at the entrance to the Springwells.
19. To consider quote received for the plaque to be erected at the Hall Field and confirm location and budget for installation.
20. To discuss recent flooding, Section 19 flood report, and scheduling of next meeting.
21. To receive any update from Cllr Turner regarding the Fortescue Arms Committee.