January 2020 Agenda

Notice of Billingborough Parish Council Meeting

Billingborough Primary School -Tuesday 14 January 2020

Members of Billingborough Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the above meeting. Members of the pubic are invited to attend. The meeting will be preceded with a Public Forum at 6.30pm, at which time any parishioner is invited to ask questions, make suggestions, raise issues or give feedback to the Council. The Public Forum will be followed by the formal Council Meeting at 6.45pm. Unless stated in the Agenda, any item raised at the Public Forum that requires a decision, will appear on the Agenda at the next meeting. Anyone wishing to video or audio record the meeting is requested to notify the Clerk in advance to enable reasonable requirements to be accommodated.

Hayley Beaver, Clerk to the Council

02 January 2020



1. Chairman's Opening Remarks

2. Apologies for absence

3. Receive any new Declarations of interest

4. Councillor Vacancies & Possible Co-option (Decision on applicanUs -All) (if applicable)

5. Approve Minutes of the Meeting on 10 December (All)

6. Receive any External Reports (incl. County & District Councils; Police & Fire if available)

7. Receive any Community Group & Organisation Reports (where available)

8. Finance Matters:

a. FY2019/20 Accounts to Date (details circulated separately) (RFO)

i. Approval of Expenditure (All)

b. Approval of FY2019/20 Budget & Precept (All)

9. Village Matters

a. Land value (Cllr Stafford - Decision- All)

b. Reimbursement of BAGS water bill (Chairman - Decision - All)

c. LALC Annual Subscription and Training Fees - (Chairman - Decision - All)

d. Newsletter - change of month of distribution. (Chairman - Decision - All)

e. Recruitment campaign - (Chairman - Decision - All)

f. Review dates of Parish, AGM and Budget Meetings. (Chairman - Decision - All)

g. Dog Fouling campaign - Update (Chairman - Decision - All)

h. Noticeboard - Update (Chairman - Decision - All)

i. Police Station - Update. (Chairman - Decision - All)

j. Aveland Land Transfer- Update. (Chairman - Decision - All)

k. Grimer's Yard - Update. (Chairman - Decision - All)

I. Anglian Water Inspection - Update (Chairman - Decision - All)

m. Cricket Club Agreement - Agree Amendment - (Chairman - Decision - All)

n. Beech hedge at Aveland site - update. (chairman - decision, if any, All)

o. Recreation Ground car park gates, painting - Update (Chairman - Decision - All)

p. Hawthorn bushes - Update (Chairman - Decision - All)

q. Donated trees/tree for VE Day (Chairman - Decision -All)

10. Planning Applications (Comments on new applications - All) (if required)

11. Receive any Urgent Reports

12. Clerk's Report & Correspondence.

a. Items for the next Agenda

13. Closed Session -Discussion of document received from LALC (Chairman -Decision All)

Next Meeting: Tuesday 3 March 2020 at the Billingborough Primary School