November 2022 Agenda
Billingborough Parish Council
Notice of Billingborough Parish Council Meeting, Sports Pavilion at the Recreation Ground on Tuesday 8 Nov 2022
Members of Billingborough Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the above commencing at 6.45pm. Members of the public are invited to attend. The meeting will be preceded with a Public Forum at 6.30pm, at which time any parishioner is invited to ask questions, make suggestions, raise issues or give feedback to the Council; All Members are requested to be in attendance. The Public Forum will be followed by the formal Council meeting, which will start at 6.30pm if no members of the public are present at that time. Unless stated in the Agenda, any items raised at the Public Forum requiring a decision, will appear on the Agenda at the next meeting. This meeting will be recorded.
Hayley Beaver
Clerk to the Council
31 Oct 2022
1. Chairman’s opening Remarks
2. Apologies for absence.
3. Presentation by Maise McMahon from the Safer Together Team.
4. Receive any new declarations of interest.
5. Possible Co-option. (Decision on applicant/s – All)
a) Acceptance of Office and Disclosure of pecuniary interests (if applicable)
6. Approve draft minutes of the meeting held 26 Sept 2022 (All)
7. Receive any external reports. (County and District Cllrs, Police, etc)
8. Receive any Community groups or Organisation reports – as required. (BAGS- Cllr Cope, Toller Trust- Cllr Stafford, Village Hall – Cllr Turner, YOS – Cllr Labinjo, School – Cllr Rayside, Church – Cllr Woodhead.
9. To discuss any points arising from the presentation received from M McMahon, in conjunction with any results from the crime survey circulated. a) To resolve on the next quarters policing priorities to be submitted. B) Any suggested actions requiring budget provision, this provision to be resolved as part of item 11c.
10. Clerk’s Report.
11. Finance Matters:
a) To Resolve to approve the accounts up to 31 Oct 2022. (RFO; Decision – All)
b) To agree to resolve to the payment of invoices on the previously circulated list of transactions for approval. (RFO; Decision – All)
c) To discuss next year’s budget, Precept and ideas received from Parishioners, and to resolve on the following items:
i) To discuss and resolve on any changes to the cemetery fees for the next financial year.(Chairman: Decision – All)
ii) To discuss and resolve on any changes to land rental rates for the next financial year. (Chairman ; Decision – All)
iii) To discuss and resolve on any change to the contractors’ hourly rate for F/Y 23-24. Chairman; Decision – All)
iv) To discuss and agree quotes received for both village grass and hedge cutting, and the cutting of the cemetery grass.(Chairman; Decision – All)
v) To discuss and resolve on the amount to be invoiced for the grass cutting on Blasson Way. (Chairman – Decision – All)
vi) To discuss and resolve which subscriptions are to be included in next year’s budget. To include ICCM, ICO, CPRE, LALC, ATS LALC, SLCC, PoL, Scribe. (Chairman; Decision – All) (Chairman; Decision – All)
vii) To discuss and agree any additions to next year’s waste collection requirements. (Chairman; Decision – All).
viii) To agree the budgeted amount for the May election. (Chairman; Decision – All).
ix) To discuss the provision of Gov.UK email addresses and set required budget provision, if agreed. (Chairman; Decision – All)
x) To discuss and resolve as to providing provision within the budget for the continuation of payment for the Community Cleaner, in the event that the grant funding is ended. (Chairman; Decision – All)
xi) To discuss and resolve to any change to the Cricket Club donation. (Chairman; Decision – All).
xii) To note and discuss any donation received from Horbling Parish Council. (Chairman; Decision – All).
xiii) To discuss and resolve whether to adopt any projects submitted by parishioners. To include Re-positioning of the benches around the old bowling green area, repair/replacement to footpaths in the village, access to the multi play area inside the court area through winter and the provision of a community skip. (Chairman; Decision – All).
xiv) To consider items from this year’s budget that have not yet been completed and to assess whether an allowance to complete these projects will be required in the budget for the next financial year. To Include: Legal fees for the transfer of the Aveland Field, Development of the Aveland Field, Development of the Cemetery, development of the Platinum Jubilee Field, and Christmas trees/decorations.
xv) To discuss and resolve on which Cllr proposed projects to include in the budget for 2023-24. Discussions to include, developing youth opportunities, alterations to the skate park, alterations to the tennis courts, the use of the pavilion, installing village signs, providing EVC points, and any other suggestions raised. (Chairman; Decision – All)
12. Village Matters:
a) To agree alternative quotes received for the repair to the noticeboard. (Chairman; Decision – All)
b) Any update to the Parks and Green Spaces application for the Recreation Ground. (Chairman; Decision – All)
c) To discuss and resolve on any response from the PC, if required, regarding the proposed solar farm on Washdyke Farm. (Chairman; Decision – All).