February 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the general meeting of Billingborough Parish Council held on 14 Feb 2023 in the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation ground.
Present: Cllrs C Woodhead (Chairman), R Rayside, D Cope, C Labinjo (joined at 19.00)
In Attendance: H Beaver (Clerk), C Cllr M Hill (18.55-19.11), 3 members of the public, (2 left at 19.07).
The Chairman opened the public forum at 18.30. There were 3 members of the public present, 2 asked for an update on the problems previously reported regarding the floodlights that have been installed on the former Grimer’s site. As Cllr Turner had been dealing with this in his role as District Cllr, and was unable to attend this meeting, the current situation could not be reported on. The Chairman gave them an update, re other complainant’s contact with SKDC’s environmental dept and response that they will investigate/visit the site. The 2 members of public advised that their neighbour was also not happy and had hope to attend tonight’s meeting. The 2 members of the public also made the Council aware that noise from the site started at 5.30am when the refuge contractor emptied the bins, by forklift truck, also that lorries were arriving in the early hours, eg 3.00am, and trying to gain access to the yard. The rubbish that had been previously reported, had been cleared. The Chairman advised that she would pass all further concerns to D. Cllr Turner.
There being no other questions the Chairman closed the public forum at 18.45 and opened the meeting.
1. Chairman’s opening Remarks.
212. The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
2. Apologies for absence.
213. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Turner, Surtees and Stafford, the apologies from Cllrs Turner and Surtees were accepted and Cllr Stafford’s was noted.
3. Receive any new declarations of interest.
214. None declared.
4. To consider any requests from Members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda. To agree, or not, by resolution to any dispensations, including voting rights.
215. No requests made.
5. Possible Co-option.
Not required, no applications received.
6. Approve draft minutes of the meeting held 10 Jan 2023
216. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as correct and the Chairman signed the minutes.
7. Receive any external reports. (County and District Cllrs, Police, etc)
217. Cllr Turner had sent a written report which the Clerk read out:
On behalf of the three villages I have been busy helping local residents with cost of living support, housing issues including overcrowding and neighbour complaints. I have also been progressing Street lighting issues as well the local roads and pavements. At the district council a discretionary fund of £2,500 per Parish is set to be allocated so as a Parish it might be a good idea to prepare a project. Also in relation to Billingborough I am progressing the light pollution issue with regards to WWL at the former Grimers site and I have formally objected to the proposed planning permission for a dwelling within the Fortescue car park.
218. When C Cllr Hill joined the meeting Cllr Woodhead reported that she had met contractors at the Aveland site regarding the fence, and it was found that initial works had not been completed to an adequate standard. She therefore suggested that, as there was to be a new fence erected once development of the site was complete that would remain the responsibility of LCC, the new, improved quality fence be erected now, as this would be more cost effective in the long term. Cllr Hill agreed and advised that he would speak to LCC about this.
C Cllr Hill also reported that he had accompanied representatives from Highways on an inspection of areas around the village that the Parish Council had previously brought to his attention, this included Folkingham Road and it had been agreed that this would benefit from a complete re-surface in the long term but that the pot holes would continue to be repaired as they occurred and were reported in the short term. He stated that some remedial works had been carried out on the High St already, that the jitty between Burton and Brewery Lanes had also been inspected and it had been agreed to carry out repairs to this jitty and also to re-investigate the flooding in the West Rd car park and to work with Anglian Water to try and solve the problem.
8. Receive any Community groups or Organisation reports – as required.
219. Cllr Cope reported that, other than the items reported to the Clerk which would be dealt with later in the agenda, there were no other concerns or queries from BAGS.
220. Cllr Turner had sent a written report which the Clerk read out:
Re the village hall. Works are progressing well on the new doorway and disabled ramp and should be completed by March. The next Village Hall meeting is on Saturday if any councillors wish to add anything to their agenda.
9. Clerk’s Report.
221. The Clerk reported the following:
a) The combined figure for both bank accts at 31/1/23 equals £56465.38
b) Payments and receipts since the last meeting are as per Appendix A & B attached.
c) The hedge cutting was now complete.
d) No update as yet received regarding any future donation from Horbling PC.
e) First internal audit of the year had been completed but report not yet received.
f) Clerk asked Cllrs to note the Rural Services Network survey, the information regarding National Lottery Grant Funding, both had been circulated.
g) The caretaker of the recreation ground had advised that all 8 bins at the site were not fixed.
h) Voter ID would be required at the election in May, if this could not be produced, electors would ned to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.
i) That a national celebration was being planned for 2024 “D Day 80”
j) The PAT test certificate for the pavilion had been received from the Cricket Club.
k) An update had been received regarding the conditions of transfer of the Aveland Field from LCC, this was read out.
l) An inspection date for the Recreation ground had been requested.
m) The correspondence from BAGS was read out and Cllrs asked that this be added to the next agenda to discuss.
10. Finance Matters:
a) To resolve to accept the budget for the F/Y 2023-24 as previously circulated.
222. It was RESOLVED to accept the budget as circulated with budgeted expenditure of £73,075.00 and an anticipated income of £38, 000.36, keeping a reserve of £15,000.
b) To resolve to approve the accounts up to 31 Jan, as circulated.
223. It was RESOLVED to accept the accounts to 31/1/23 as presented.
c) To resolve to approve the payment of the invoices for authorisation, as circulated.
224. It was RESOLVED to pay all transactions as presented on Appendix C, attached. Cllrs Woodhead and Labinjo signed all invoices.
d) To receive a finance report for checks made up to 31 Jan 2023.
225. Cllr Turner had sent the following report which the Clerk read out:
Having visited Hayley to check the accounts for the last three months all was in order and there were no anomalies.
e) To nominate a Councillor as signatory and user on the Council’s Unity account.
This was deferred to the next meeting.
11. Admin Matters:
a). To agree a date for the Annual Parish meeting and to delegate any tasks required and authorise any monetary spend required.
226. It was RESOLVED to keep the Parish meeting on the same day as the Annual meeting of the Council this year due to the elections. The date was set for May 16, with a start time of 6pm.
b) To agree a preferred amended date of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council as the scheduled date is not valid due to the extra bank holiday.
227. It was RESOLVED to set this date a week later, May 16, to start immediately after the Parish meeting.
c) To discuss any proposed advertising campaign in light of the upcoming elections. 228. It was RESOLVED to advertise on the normal channels, ie. website, facebook, noticeboard, newsletter, and to also display posters in local shops, to encourage applications.
d) To agree a date for a Public Meeting to discuss the celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III.
229. It was RESOLVED to hold a meeting in the sports pavilion on 11th March starting at 11am.
e) To discuss and agree date and format of consultation with the electorate regarding the Hall Field.
230. It was RESOLVED to hold a public meeting to gauge public opinion of this on April 1st in the sports pavilion at 11.00am
f) To resolve on any changes required to the following:
BAGS Contract, Cricket Club Goodwill Agreement, Cemetery caretaker Contract, the rental Contract for the Cemetery Field.
231. It was RESOLVED that no changes were needed to the CC goodwill agreement, cemetery c’taker’s contract nor the rental contract for the cemetery field, but the BAGS contract was deferred to the next meeting.
h) To resolve on any quotes received for electricity supply at the pavilion.
232. It was RESOLVED to get quotes from Utility Aid for the next meeting.
i) To resolve on the police priorities required for the next quarter (submission date March 7).
233. It was RESOLVED to keep the priorities as before.
j) To consider any planning applications.
234. It was RESOLVED to object to planning application S/23 0047 on the basis that this could cause parking issues, would not be in keeping adjacent to a Grade 1 listed building, and may contribute to a flood risk as the car park currently floods on a regular basis.
12. Village Matters:
a) VILLAGE SIGNS– to agree design and update on application to Highways.
235. It was RESOLVED to have the latest design with the blue sky and to go ahead with the application.
b) CORONATION BENCH – To resolve on design and authorise order.
This was deferred to the next meeting.
c) FIELDS IN TRUST – update.
This was deferred to the next meeting.
d) PAVILION RISK ASSESSMENT – To resolve on date to be actioned by and delegate tasks.
This was deferred to the next meeting.
e) PAVILIION FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT – To resolve on date to be actioned by and delegate tasks.
This was deferred to the next meeting.
f) CRICKET CLUB – To discuss and resolve on any action regarding soil and cupboard.
This was deferred to the next meeting.
g) CRICKET CLUB – To discuss and resolve on the outcome of the following requests; to erect sponsorship boards on the tennis court fencing, to start redecoration works in the pavilion, and if any donation towards the cost of the works is to be made.
236. It was RESOLVED not to allow sponsorship boards to be erected on the fencing to the tennis courts, but there is no objection to the previous request to do so on fencing around the patio area.
h) PAVILION QUOTES – To consider quotes received, and resolve on which to accept, and delegate tasks for organisation as required.
237. It was suggested that this work may be eligible to be grant funded, it was therefore decided to delay any decision until this had been explored.
i) PLANTERS – To agree budget for summer plants and organise purchase and planting.
This was deferred to the next meeting.
j) SPEED CAMERAS – Update on information retrieved.
As Cllr Surtees was not present this was deferred to the next meeting.
238. Cllr Woodhead reported that sessions may start again as the weather improves.
l) ZEBRA CROSSING – To discuss and resolve if required, who should apply and if any financial contribution required.
239. After discussion it was felt that it was highly unlikely that the criteria would be met for this to go ahead, however Councillors felt that it was still worth exploring and Cllr Woodhead volunteered to ask for the assessment to be carried out.
m) EVC – to discuss and resolve if required and delegate tasks.
240. It was RESOLVED to ask Liberty Charge to approach SKDC on the council’s behalf to enquire if an EVC charging point could be installed in West Road car park, by the company free of charge. Cllr Woodhead to action.
n) PROPOSED SOLAR FARM AND RESERVOIR -To discuss and resolve on any response from the PC, (if required).
Not required as no further development or correspondence.
None received.
There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.29
APPENDIX A: Payments made on behalf of BPC 1/1/23-31/1/23
12/1/23 |
35.00 |
12/1/23 |
345.60 |
12/1/23 |
768.20 |
12/1/23 |
107.11 |
12/1/23 |
32.00 |
12/1/23 |
1088.93 |
16/1/23 |
25.00 |
23/1/23 |
47.83 |
26/1/23 |
158.08 |
26/1/23 |
90.00 |
26/1/23 |
118.56 |
26/1/23 |
469.30 |
26/1/23 |
342.51 |
30/1/23 |
13.12 |
31/12/22 |
146.77 |
APPENDIX C: Transactions requiring authorisation on 14 FEB 2023
9.00 |
4.49 |
766.80 |
1580.53 |
370.13 |
168.00 |
25.00 |