March 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the general meeting of Billingborough Parish Council held on 14 March 2023 in the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation ground.
Present: Cllrs C Woodhead (Chairman), J. Surtees, M Turner (left the meeting 19.41-46), R Stafford (left the meeting 19.19-27), C Labinjo (from18.33), R Rayside (from 19.53).
In Attendance: H Beaver (Clerk), 1 member of the public, (joined at 19.12-20.05).
There being no public present at 6.30pm, the Chairman opened the meeting at 6.30pm
1. Chairman’s opening Remarks
241. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and expressed her disappointment that no Councillors had attended the meeting arranged to discuss the King’s upcoming Coronation.
2. Apologies for absence.
242. An apology had been received from Cllr Cope, it was RESOLVED to accept his apology.
3. Receive any new declarations of interest – none received.
4. To consider any requests from Members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda. To agree, or not, by resolution to any dispensations, including voting rights.
243. Cllr Turner requested a dispensation to speak during agenda items 12a1&2, but not to vote, it was RESOLVED to accept this proposal.
5. Councillor vacancies and possible Co-option. Not required.
6. Approve draft minutes of the meeting held 14 Feb 2023
244. A Councillor expressed an aggrievement that absence from the previous meeting had been noted in the minutes rather than accepted, the Chairman replied that as no reason had been given, the noted status would remain but all comments would be recorded, and it was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as circulated as a true record, with the additional notation.
7. Receive any external reports.
245. Cllr Turner reported that communication and interaction with the local community was high and he had been appointed to both the environment, finance and the overview, ordnance and scrutiny committees at SKDC. He also reminded Councillors that upto £2500 was available through the Prosperity Fund.
8. Receive any Community groups or Organisation reports – as required.
246. Cllr Stafford reported that he attended a meeting of the Toller Trust on 15/2/23 where there had been several changes in personnel, that the Trust continued to seek a purchaser for a plot of arable land it owned and once sold the intention remained that the Trust should be wound up, with the monies being distributed between Billingborough and Horbling Churches and schools.
247. Cllr Surtees said he had attempted to access data from the cameras but had been unsuccessful on first try but aimed to try again and would hopefully be able to report back at the next meeting.
248.Cllr Turner reported that the ramp and new doors had now been fitted at the village hall and, on behalf of the Cricket Club advised the Council that the wind had blown one of the side screens over, as a temporary measure, barrier tape had been put around it, but further action would be taken to rectify as soon as the weather allowed.
9. Clerk’s Report.
249. The Clerk reported that the combined bank balance as of 28 Feb 2023 was £54,918.67. That invoices had been paid and monies received during the month of Feb as per appendix A and B attached. Cllrs were advised of the election process and nomination forms distributed. It was noted that the Clerk had received notification from LCC that more investigative works were to be carried out regarding the cause of flooding in the car park on West Rd, that the diseased tree at the Springwells had now been felled, a reduction of £3 per mth had been achieved on the parish phone contract, and that the annual inspection of the recreation ground had taken place.
10. Finance Matters:
a) To Resolve to approve the previously circulated accounts which include the year up to 28 Feb 2023.
250. It was RESOLVED to accept the accounts to 28/2/23 as presented.
b) To agree to resolve to the payment of invoices on the previously circulated list of transactions for approval.
251.It was RESOLVED to approve all payments as presented, see appendix C.
c) To agree any course of action required following receipt of the Internal Audit report. Not yet received.
d) To agree at least one other Cllr to apply to be added as an authorised user to authorise payments on line and as a signatory on the account.
252. It was RESOLVED that Cllrs Surtees and Turner should be added to the bank account as signatories and internet users.
e) To receive a report regarding any alteration required to rental of land and to resolve on any outcome.
253. Cllr Stafford advised that no action is required currently, but advised that a note should be applied to the file regarding the status of the tenant.
f) To ratify by resolution the payment for training undertaken in February and March.
254. It was RESOLVED to make payment of this invoice once received.
11. Admin Matters:
a) To review and RESOLVE to agree any amendments to the following policies: Cemetery Regulations, CCTV Code of Practice, CCTV Policy, Member’s Code of Conduct (consider updating to the LGA Code of Conduct), Complaint’s Procedure Update available), Data Protection, Publication & FoI, GDPR Privacy Notice, Disciplinary and Grievance, Equal Opportunities, Financial Regulations, Risk Assessment, Safeguarding, Standing Orders.
255. It was RESOLVED to make no alterations to the Cemetery Regulations (other than to include the new price list, which Cllrs agreed should be rounded figures), CCTV code of practice and CCTV policy, Data Protection, Publication & FoI, the Privacy Notice, Disciplinary and Grievance, Equal Opportunities, Risk Assessment, Safeguarding and Standing Orders. It was RESOLVED to adopt the new LGA Code of Conduct, and the new model Complaints Procedure as circulated. It was RESOLVED to amend the Co-option Policy to advise any co-opted Cllr of the election process that takes place every 4 years and to add 2 points that would prohibit Cllrs from being eligible to the application form, also to amend the Financial Regulations at pts 4.1 and 4.6 from £100 to £500.
b) To RESOLVE to adopt, or not, any proposed additional Policies, including to consider adoption of the Civility and Respect pledge.
256. It was RESOLVED to sign up to the Civility and Respect pledge and also to adopt a Grant/Grant & Donation Policy, the wording of which should be agreed at the next meeting.
c) To RESOLVE on any changes to the BAGS Agreement and also the proposed change to the Allotment Holder Tenancy Agreement.
257. It was RESOLVED to accept the change to the Allotment Holder Tenancy Agreement, as requested by the BAGS Committee and to defer discussion of the BAGS contract to the next meeting.
d) Fields in trust application – update.
258.The updated document was presented and signed by 2 Councillors, witnessed by the Clerk. The Chairman advised that an application now had to be made to Land Registry to complete the procedure.
e) Parish Meeting – To discuss format and agree by resolution any budget amount required and allocate any tasks. None required.
f) Update following public meeting about the King’s Coronation and to resolve on any action required and to delegate tasks.
259. As there had only been 2 members of the public who had attended the meeting, one being the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, who had attended in order to advise of the plans already underway and being organised by the Village Hall committee, Council considered that demand for any celebration could be low. Therefore, it was RESOLVED to gift commemorative medals to all Billingborough children of Primary School age at a cost of approximately £170, and in response to the request for a donation from the Village Hall, as it was believed that the events were to be chargeable, and as no precise quotes had been received, it was RESOLVED to donate £100 to the children’s entertainment and to facilitate that free soft drinks, tea and coffee could be provided.
g) To receive an update, resolve on an alternative date, and possible venue for the public meeting regarding the Hall Field.
260. It was agreed to hold the meeting on June 3 at 11am and to change the venue to the Village Hall. (Clerk to Action).
h) Report of stats from speed camera. Reported at item 8.
i) Emergency Plan – Update. Deferred.
j) Keep Britain Tidy Campaign – to resolve on whether to take part.
261. It was RESOLVED to take part in this campaign, (Cllr Turner to co-ordinate, Clerk to advertise).
k) To consider any planning applications and any further update on both the proposed solar farm and reservoir - if required. Not required.
12. Village Matters:
a) Recreation Ground –
1.TO DISCUSS ANY OUTSTANDING QUERIES FROM THE CRICKET CLUB, including the removal of soil, sponsorship boards and any proposed works to the pavilion and to resolve on any action required, delegate tasks, and allocate funds -if required.
262. It was RESOLVED that the Cricket Club would move some of the soil to the goal mouth in front of the skate park and liaise with a previous Cllr regarding the remainder, that the Cricket Club could commence the internal decoration of the pavilion and it was suggested and agreed that sponsorship boards could be displayed on the side of the pavilion, providing any maintenance is continually monitored and carried out in a timely manner and any damage made good. Council advised that as another liaison Cllr would not be appointed until the May meeting, any queries or concerns should be emailed to the Clerk to ensure any communication is fed back in the interim.
2. In conjunction with point 12a)1 above, TO RESOLVE ON WHICH OF THE QUOTES previously received to accept, if any.
263.It was agreed that Cllr Turner would get updated quotes for the works needed to the external cupboard door and lock and work to the porch.
3.PAVILION RISK ASSESSMENT – To resolve on date to be actioned by and delegate tasks. Deferred.
4.PAVILIION FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT – To resolve on date to be actioned by and delegate tasks. Deferred.
5. CORONATION BENCH - to discuss and resolve on any options presented with a view to placing order.
264.It was RESOLVED to purchase a bench made from recycled materials (cost £1232.41) with extra costs of slabbing, installation and plaque. Cllr Turner agreed to ask the Cricket Club if they would be able to carry out the installation.
6. ANNUAL INSPECTION of the recreation ground – to discuss report, and allocate tasks and budgets if any action required.
265.It was agreed that Councillors would try and remove the reported graffiti, a sign detailing contact details would need to be ordered and the Clerk should ensure that the caretaker is made aware of any points that need monitoring.
b) Springwells:
1. Slabs in front of benches – update and resolve on any action required.
266. A Councillor volunteered to rectify this problem.
2. Springwells planters - to agree budget for summer spend, and allocate responsibility for maintenance.
267.It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £100 for plants and the Clerk to liaise with the caretaker regarding purchase and maintenance.
c) Cemetery:
1. To discuss what works are to be carried out at the cemetery in relation to both the gates, benches, and any further development.
268. Cllr Turner is to obtain a quote for the gate repair, Clerk to liaise with the caretaker regarding the benches and cleaning the gates. Further development deferred.
2. To discuss if any bulbs/plants are to be purchased for spring/summer and to delegate purchase and set budget if required.
269. It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £100 for the purchase of plants and the Clerk asked to liaise with the Caretaker regarding purchase and maintenance.
d) Aveland Field:
1.To discuss taking part in NO MOW MAY and resolve on the outcome.
270. It was RESOLVED to take part in NO MOW MAY, and to continue with the cessation of cutting during the summer if the rare orchids were found again.
2. To discuss and resolve on the outcome if BAGS’ request still stands to hold a car boot sale on site.
271. It was RESOLVED that due to the above resolution this would not be able to go ahead.
e) Entrance Planters – to agree by resolution the next seasons spend and who is responsible for purchase and maintenance.
272. It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £300 for plants for the entrance planters. Cllr Woodhead to purchase.
f) Village Signs – discuss consultation, choice and resolve on outcomes.
273. As no decision can be made until feedback is received from LCC, therefore this was deferred.
g) EVC - update.
274. Cllr Woodhead has tried to contact SKDC several times but has had no reply, D Cllr Turner agreed to chase this.
h) Zebra Crossing – update
275. It was RESOLVED to apply to have a lollipop lady outside the school as a zebra crossing was found to be not viable by LCC. (Cllr Woodhead to Contact C Cllr M Hill, to take this forward).
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.57.
APPENDIX A: Payments made on behalf of BPC 1/2-28/2/23
16/2/23 |
1580.53 |
16/2/23 |
766.80 |
16/2/23 |
25.00 |
20/2/23 |
25.00 |
21/2/23 |
47.83 |
22/2/23 |
105.00 |
2/2/23 |
1000.00 |
2/2/23 |
3.45 |
APPENDIX C: Transactions requiring authorisation on 14 MARCH 2023
16.49 |
33.78 |
766.80 |
101.97 |
342.51 |
158.08 |
158.08 + 39.52 |
469.30 |
204.00 |
766.80 |
25.00 |
150.00 |