February 2024 Minutes
Billingborough Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the annual meeting of Billingborough Parish Council held on 13 February 2024 in the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation ground.
Present: Cllrs C Woodhead (Chairman), R Stafford, C Williamson, M Turner (until 7.55pm)
In Attendance: H Beaver (Clerk). Two Members of the Pointon Flood Plan Committee, Martin Hill (6.30 – 7.15pm).
As no members of the public present, the Chairman opened the meeting at 6.30pm
1. Chairman’s opening Remarks.
148. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the 2 ladies from Pointon Flood Plan Committee who kindly shared how their group had been formed, how it operated, and what it had learnt along the way. As collaboration with other neighbouring villages was mentioned, the Chairman advised that after the Billingborough village meeting that had already been scheduled, to discuss a flood plan, the Parish Council would feed back any progress.
2. Apologies for absence – none received, but Cllr Turner advised that he would have to leave early.
3. Receive any new declarations of interest – none received.
4. To consider any requests from Members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda. To agree, or not, by resolution to any dispensations, including voting rights.
149. It was agreed that Cllr Turner would take part in any discussion at 10c,10g, 10i, 10j, 11a, but he would not take part in any vote.
5. Co-option – not required.
6. Approve draft minutes of the meeting held 9 Jan 2023.
150. The minutes were approved and the Chairman signed the minutes.
7. Receive any external reports, and ask for feedback from C Cllr Hill if present, re repairs to Folk’ham Rd, Elizabeth Dr, and The Pingle, and the dykes on Birthorpe Rd, and feedback from AW via Cllr Hill regarding the sewerage overflow during the wet weather. To request any update regarding the allotment fencing repair and leak on the allotment entrance drive.
151. Cllr Hill said he was pleased that works to be completed by LCC volunteers was now scheduled, the Chairman thanked him for his help with this. He confirmed that as some houses in the village had been flooded there would be an investigation as to the cause. He confirmed that the re-surfacing of Folkingham Rd was scheduled but no firm date had been set yet. The Pingle and Elizabeth Drive had been reported. He advised that works were soon to start on the path from Pointon. He had not heard back from Anglian Water, and no contact had been made with the farmers regarding the dykes at Birthorpe. Council made C Cllr Hill aware of the leak at the driveway to the allotments, and also that the fence once again needed repairing, both problems had been reported to the management Company of the Aveland site. He reported that the consultation about devolution had been completed, there were just over four thousand replies, of which 60% of those were broadly in favour of devolution. The 3 Councils will discuss the proposal in March, Government will be notified of their decision and if that is to proceed a Mayoral election will follow in 2025.
152. D Cllr Turner reported that there had been a change of leader at SKDC, Ashley Baxter is now leader. The purple lidded bin rollout had so far been successful, and whilst the amount of cardboard had a commercial value, this was to be used for offsetting the cost of collection of all waste. Further new collections of both food waste, 2025, followed by soft plastics in 2026, both are Government directives. Cllr Turner was asked to feed back that it was now very difficult to get anything sorted quickly as it was impossible to speak to any SKDC representatives.
8. Receive any Community groups or Organisation reports.
153. Cllr Hill was asked if a meeting of the Toller Trust was scheduled, it was thought that one would be scheduled for the autumn.
9. Clerk’s Report.
154. The Clerk reported that total monies in both bank accounts as of 31/01/2023 was £57,654.98. She reported that Horbling PC had agreed to increase the annual donation it made towards maintenance at the recreation ground. More sand has been delivered and is being stored. There had been a hit and run of the height barrier at the recreation ground. Consultants had attended the site and confirmation received that as the cemetery was within 250m of a pumping station, this would stand. Therefore, the extension could not be used for body burials, but a garden of remembrance could be developed. An offer had been received from the CC; if the PC agreed to purchase two new showers, to replace the broken ones, they would fit them for free. A request to add bunting to the new village signs had been received, Cllrs wished to refrain from this currently.
10. Finance Matters:
a) To resolve to approve the accounts up to 31 Jan 2024.
154. It was resolved to accept the accounts as circulated as a true record.
b) To resolve to agree to the payment of invoices on the previously circulated list of transactions for approval.
155. It was RESOLVED to process the transactions as listed on Appendix C, attached.
c) To consider quotes received for repairing the pavilion roof.
156. It was RESOLVED to accept the quote from Heritage Property Services for the sum of £1850.00.
d) To consider quotes received for having the hedge of the cemetery field cut in this financial year.
157. It was RESOLVED to accept the quote for £245.00 and to have the works done in Autumn 2024.
e) To consider any further request for compensation for damage to the new signs
158. It was agreed that as the finials and paint were being supplied FOC, this was adequate compensation.
f) To Consider quotes received for printing the newsletter.
159. As the quotes received were considerably higher than the current rate it was decided to explore the possibility of sourcing someone locally, and reconsidering at the next meeting.
g) To consider quotes received for fitting a defibrillator at the pavilion.
160. It was RESOLVED to accept the quote from Reetec Electrical services Ltd to install the new defibrillator for the sum of £250.00
h) To consider quotes, or set a budget for, any materials required for works to be carried out by LCC volunteers.
161. It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £500 to purchase paint and materials.
i) To Consider quotes to replace the two broken showers in the changing rooms in the pavilion in exchange for the offer of free fitting by the Cricket Club.
162. It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £250.00 for the purchase of 2 new showers.
j) To consider quotes received to replace the front and two side doors and also to replace the bars on the two side doors as per the recent Fire RA.
163. It was RESOLVED to source grant funding opportunities for the planned replacement doors, and to bring this information to the next meeting in March, for it to be reassessed.
Councillor Turner left the meeting.
k) To consider any feedback regarding the annual donation received from Horbling PC
164. As an offer had now been received, and was in line with the sum requested, no further discussion was required.
l) To consider, and set budget for repair to height barrier.
165.After discussion it was decided that further consultation was required to be reported back at the the next meeting.
m) To set a budget for the spring planters.
166. It was RESOLVED to set a maximum budget of £400 for plants for all planters, including any compost required.
a) To review, and resolve on any amendments to the Cricket Club Agreement, the BAGS Contract and the rental agreement for the cemetery field.
167. CC agreement - It was identified that points 7 and 11 needed alteration, and point 23 should be actioned in due course. (Clerk to action). Although no alterations were identified for the BAGS agreement, Cllrs agreed that the tenants contract referred incorrectly to the Clerk to the Council rather than the, secretary of the management committee, and should be altered accordingly. (Clerk to advise). Although no alterations to the rental contract for the cemetery field were required, the Chairman advised that point 8v, as the manure was not being collected. (Clerk to notify).
b) To decide on an attendee at the PCC presentation taking place on Feb 20 6-7.30pm.
168. Cllr Williamson volunteered to attend this event.
a) Update on tree planting (and plaque for Queen) in Hall Field, and also to discuss any feedback received regarding the complaint from a parishioner about the path through the Hall Field – no update.
b) Cemetery – update and plan for the way forward.
169. The Chairman asked that everyone should familiarise themselves with the layout of the cemetery ready for a discussion at the next meeting.
c) Update regarding Legionella and Fire Risk Inspections in pavilion.
170. The report from the Legionella RA had only just been received prior to the meeting, the Clerk summarised the issues, some of which will require quotes for work, so once this has been explored in more detail, it was agreed that this is discussed at the next meeting.
d) Defibrillator
171. It was RESOLVED to accept the quote for £750, which is match funded.
e) Playpark gate – no update.
f) To consider allocation of key to external cupboard.
172. It was agreed that Mark should be given a key so that he has access to the fuse box, in his role as caretaker of the recreation ground and that the Cricket Club are provided with one to store in the external key cupboard.
g) Potential new project at recreation ground.
173. Cllr Surtees reported that although contact had not yet been made but he was keen to do so, Cllr Williamson volunteered to help with this.
h) New Village signs
174. It was decided that the other signs should be erected as soon as possible, as it may be some time before Highways replied to the request to paint the posts black. (Cllrs to organise).
i) To discuss data taken from speed camera on Horbling Rd.
175. Cllr Surtees reported that the messages on the sign had been changed. Also, that 99.67% of cars passing the sign did so at a speed below 40mph, with the average being 35mph. It was thought that this speed was due to it being within a short distance of a 40mph area. Overall, it was thought that the results were good and that the camera was having a positive effect. It was muted that this data could inform the best times to carry out any Community Speed Watch activity, it was identified that this scheme needed further volunteers.
j) To discuss and agree on the contents of a village Floodplan, delegate any tasks, both in organising the plan and also the upcoming village meeting and to consider the request received from the emergency planning group in Pointon to work together
176. After discussion it was decided not to provide refreshments, and suggested that peoples recollections of previous flooding incidents be listened to in order to shape a plan of actions that need to be put in place to mitigate against flooding and how to best deal with an incident of flooding and how, and who, is to take this forward.
k) Recruitment.
177. After a short discussion, it was felt this could be explored at the Parish meeting.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm
APPENDIX A: Payments from 1-31 Jan 2024
11/01/24 |
414.72 |
11/01/24 |
2327.86 |
11/01/24 |
26.96 |
11/01/24 |
10.00 |
11/01/24 |
514.90 |
11/01/24 |
360.00 |
11/01/24 |
108.13 |
12/01/24 |
35.00 |
17/01/24 |
45.00 |
22/01/24 |
55.83 |
29/01/24 |
EE |
9.60 |
30/01/24 |
514.90 |
30/01/24 |
162.60 |
30/01/24 |
375.82 |
30/01/24 |
173.44 |
APPENDIX C: Transactions for authorisation on 13 Feb 2024
385.32 |
180.00 |
40.19 |
917.28 |
26.29 |
30.00 |
3 x SIGNS |
50.00 |
300.00 |