September 2024 Minutes
Billingborough Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the meeting of Billingborough Parish Council held on 10 Sept 2024 in the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation ground.
Present: Cllrs C Woodhead (Chairman), M Turner, J Tweddle. H Middlebrook after co-option at agenda item 5.
In Attendance: H Beaver (Clerk).
There were 3 Members of the Public present for the public forum at 6.30pm, one having submitted an application to join the Council, one who was thinking of joining the Council and came to observe the meeting, another who suggested that if the Council were to consider selling the land it owned on Folkingham Rd it might be advantageous to approach the developer of the new solar farm to ascertain if it could be sold at a premium.
As there were no further comments or questions the Chairman opened the meeting at 6.35pm.
1. Chairman’s opening remarks
086. The Chairman reminded Councillors that if they were getting any quotes to be considered, they should be circulated 2 or 3 days before the meeting.
2. Apologies for absence.
087. Apologies had been received from Cllr Williamson, it was RESOLVED to accept his apologies.
3. Receive any new declarations of interest – none received.
4. To consider any requests from Members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda. To agree, or not, by resolution to any dispensations, including voting rights.
088. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Turner could be present and speak at items 12d and 12c, but could not take part in any vote.
5. Co-option.
089. One application for co-option had been received, Cllrs asked the applicant a few questions, the applicant left the room whilst the Cllrs voted. On return, and after signing the Acceptance of Office form, new Cllr Middlebrook, joined the meeting.
6. Approve minutes of the meeting held on 16 July 2024.
090. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes presented as a true record and the Chairman signed the minutes.
7. Receive any external reports.
091. D. Cllr Turner reported that the Leisure and Cultural Committee has recently adopted a play area strategy, and although he was aware that Billingborough had adopted its own play area, there may be some funding available in the future for maintenance. The Clerk was asked to email Cllr turner to make the Committee aware that Billingborough’s play park was in need of upgrade and repair. Additionally, he advised that SK Leisure had changed its format and was now running the 3 leisure centres in the District as a contractor to SKDC. There had been an uplift at the centres since the Olympics. Cllr Turner was advised that SKDC had recently changed all the bulbs in the street lights in the SKDC owned lights in Billingborough, Cllr Woodhead informed that one on Brewery Lane had been omitted or was not working.
8. Receive any Community Groups and Organisation reports.
092. Cllr Woodhead reported that, a new vicar was to be appointed who would be responsible for 14 churches, one of which was Billingborough, they would reside in Folkingham, and anyone could meet with the possible candidate/s on the 23 Sept, prior to their selection later that week. She also advised that the Village Hall was looking for new volunteers to join the committee as it currently has one vacancy and another 2 resignations were intended. She also reported that two Cllrs and the Clerk had attended the forum for Parish Councils presented by SKDC, where they learnt that due to the demand for the increase in housing the The Local Plan was to be re-addressed and that dynamic working was here to stay, which created a lot of negativity from the audience. Having asked about the proposal of an EVCP in West Rd car park, a reply was promised by Richard Wyles. Information was given about the new Grantham Town Council, and it was explained that there was now a Town Team, working within SKDC. Cllrs were left wondering if there was any aspiration to form a Village Team to work within the Council, as often the problems that were experienced in the more rural areas were very different from those in the bigger Towns. The Clerk was asked to email the District Cllr voicing these concerns and suggesting this as a proposal.
9. Clerk’s report, correspondence and matters arising.
093. The Clerk reported that the total monies in both bank accounts as of 31/08/24 was £60,583.15. That there had been an increase to the bills from Anglian Water for the cemetery area, and also that the electric bills at the pavilion had also increased considerably. Having chased up the proposed installation of a Call Connect Bus Stop, she had been advised that this was now dependent on continued backing from the new Government and wouldn’t be actioned until at least next year in any case. No further correspondence had been received regarding a proposed litter pick by the Army cadets, and after yet again chasing the repairs to the allotment fencing, no date had been allocated. Correspondence had been received regarding VE Day 80 which is to be held on Thurs 8 May 2025.
10. Financial Matters:
a) To resolve to approve the accts up to 31 August, as circulated.
094. It was RESOLVED to accept the accounts as presented.
b) To resolve to approve payment of invoices on Appendix C
095. It was RESOLVED to approve all invoices on Appendix C for payment.
c) To report on the result of the external audit.
096. The RFO reported that confirmation of conclusion of the Audit with no issues had been received. The conclusion notice is to be displayed for 14 days.
d) To resolve on the amount and form of donation to the RBL.
097.It was RESOLVED that a donation of £30.00 should be made. No wreath was required.
e) To agree the budget for autumn/winter planting of entrance planters and delegate tasks as required.
098. It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £300 for all six planters.
f) To resolve on the provider and cost for enhanced asset management if it is agreed an enhanced system is required.
099. It was RESOLVED not to subscribe to Parish on Line but to explore Civic ly, a new programme being set up by Scribe.
g) To appoint another Councillor as an authorised user on the Unity Bank account, and to agree amendment of access of a current user.
100. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Tweddle should be added to the bank account as an authorised signatory.
h) Reimbursement of maintenance costs for the Aveland field – deferred to next meeting.
i) To resolve on proposal to purchase a new Union Jack flag
101. It was RESOLVED to purchase a replacement flag with a budget of £120.00
11. Administration matters:
a) To resolve on the meeting dates for 2025.
102. After discussion this was deferred to the next meeting.
b) To ascertain if a Council submission is required for the LCC mineral survey, submission date Sept 24.
103. It was RESOLVED that no Council submission was required.
c) To ratify the decision regarding the location of the incinerator agreed on the allotment site, and Councillors to sign agreement.
104. The decision to accept the location of the incinerator previously suggested was ratified by resolution, Cllrs Woodhead and Turner signed the contract.
d) Land registration.
105. It was RESOLVED to set a budget of £2000, for legal costs involved with registering outstanding areas of Council land with land registry.
e) To consider BRAMM monument training at a cost of £80/£160
106. The Clerk informed Cllrs that the Council was obliged to carry out, by a trained member, or a suitable Company, a Health and Safety inspection on all monuments in the cemetery every 5 yrs and to document the findings. Cllr Tweddle offered to attend training and carry out the inspection, once trained. A budget of £200 was set for the training.
f) To consider any projects that require application to the Biodiversity Project Funding Scheme, and if the outcome of this discussion has any impact on the grass cutting requirements needed for consideration at the budget meeting, to outline the new requirements.
107. Various different schemes were discussed, the Clerk was asked to enquire when the latest submission date for an application is and to add this to the next agenda.
g) Current Planning Applications – not required.
12. Recreation Ground:
a) Tennis Court project – update.
108. It was decided that it would be better to wait for the survey results before this was discussed further. To be added to the next agenda.
b) To consider replacement locks for the tennis court - not required.
c) Use of keybox and external cupboard – update (Cllr Turner).
109. Cllr Turner advised that the keybox was still outstanding and was hopeful that the cupboard had been cleared, but was asked to check before the next meeting.
d) To consider any quotes received for works to the patio area of the pavilion, new doors for the pavilion and new tables and chairs for the pavilion. (Cllrs Turner and Tweddle.).
110. Cllr Turner advised that members of the Cricket Club were happy to carry out repair works to the patio, the PC is to purchase the materials. Cllr Tweddle would be meeting suppliers in time to get quotes for the next meeting.
e) To consider a response to the request to prune the sycamore trees adjacent to the paddock.
111. It was RESOLVED that no action should be taken at this time.
f) To consider quote received for further works to the tree that has lost branches in the recreation ground.
112. Although the works had been agreed, and one quote had been received, any decision was delayed until further quotes were sought for comparison, deferred to the next meeting.
13. Spring Wells:
a) Ownership of roadway – deferred until next meeting.
b) Maintenance of 5 bar gate - update.
113. Cllr Turner was asked to request either a repair or replacement by SKDC as it was thought that SKDC installed this in the first instance.
14. Cemetery extension – update and plan.
114. The Clerk was asked to clarify the requirements for planning permission and permitting in light of the new regulations, now that it had been established that the whole area was registered correctly with the Land registry. To be reported at the next meeting.
15. Hall field – plaque for late Queen – update.
115. In light of the information that the oak tree in the same field was planted in celebration of the late Queen’s Coronation, rather than a small plaque on one of the new trees, it was suggested that an information board could be purchased detailing both the oak for the Coronation and the new trees being planted in Celebration of the late queen’s life and reign. It was RESOLVED to explore this idea and Cllr Woodhead is to bring quotes to the next meeting and then decide if this was feasible. It was also proposed that a Tree Preservation Order was put on all the trees in the field. This was not resolved on, but Cllr Middlebrook volunteered to find out if a Council could request a TPO and report back at the next meeting.
16. Emergency/Flood Plan and possible meeting date, Section 19, issues with the amount of straw in gullies. – deferred until after the section 19 report has been received.
17. To discuss and resolve on any request for double yellow lines on the High St.
116.It was RESOLVED not to put in a request to LCC to have yellow lines painted on the High St near Allen Close.
18. Fortescue Arms – update.
117. Cllr Turner reported that support for this was growing in the village and currently there were approx. 140 supporters. The group is focusing on encouraging the current owners to take action to improve maintenance of the building, via the District Council, and also to form a Community Interest Company to purchase the building, renovate it and run it, all of which would be grant funded. This would be a long term scheme. The Company are aware that this is happening.
There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm.
APPENDIX A: Payments from 1/7 to 31/8/24
Date | Payee | Amount |
01/07/24 | EE | 10.34 |
08/07/24 | K E DAVEY BROWN | 75.00 |
08/07/24 | YOUR LOCAL LINCS | 30.00 |
08/07/24 | H BEAVER | 917.28 |
16/07/24 | SMARTEST ENERGY | 134.00 |
17/07/24 | REC CARETAKER | 570.00 |
17/07/24 | H BEAVER | 25.00 |
17/07/24 | GLENDALE | 299.21 |
22/07/24 | SKDC | 55.83 |
29/07/24 | EE | 10.34 |
30/07/24 | CEM CARETAKER | 72.00 |
30/07/24 | BLOSSOM BOOKKEEPING | 150.00 |
30/07/24 | H BEAVER | 25.00 |
30/07/24 | INDIGO 19 LTD | 528.00 |
30/07/24 | S’WELLS CARETAKER | 192.00 |
30/07/24 | COMPLETE WEEED CONTROL | 516.00 |
30/07/24 | CEM CARETAKER | 192.00 |
30/07/24 | COMMUNITY CLEANER | 416.04 |
15/08/24 | CLEAR COUNCILS | 1100.15 |
19/08/24 | SMARTEST ENERGY | 134.00 |
21/08/24 | SKDC WASTE | 55.84 |
28/08/24 | SLCC | 183.00 |
29/08/24 | EE | 30.33 |
30/08/24 | GLENDALE | 299.21 |
30/08/24 | H BEAVER | 917.28 |
30/08/24 | LALC | 108.00 |
30/08/24 | KE DAVEY BROWN | 75.00 |
30/08/24 | H BEAVER | 25.00 |
30/08/24 | YOUR LOCAL LINCS | 30.00 |
02/07/24 | M PARKER & SONS LTD | 350.00 |
18/07/24 | LINCS COOP | 400.00 |
23/07/24 | NETTLEHAM PARISH COUNCIL | 375.00 |
APPENDIX C: Transactions for authorisation on 10 SEPT 2024
CLERK | SEPT SALARY | 917.28 |
GLENDALE | AUG CUT | 299.21 |
SIGNED: Cllr Woodhead
SIGNED: Cllr Tweddle
Next meeting: Tuesday 8 October at the Pavilion, Recreation Ground.