November 2024 Minutes
Billingborough Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the meeting of Billingborough Parish Council held on 12 Nov 2024 in the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation ground.
Present: Cllrs C Woodhead (Chairman), C Williamson, H Middlebrook, and J Tweddle.
In Attendance: H Beaver (Clerk).
One member of the public who came to observe the meeting.
1. Chairman’s opening Remarks
146. The Chairman reminded Cllrs that the meeting was being recorded.
2. Apologies for absence.
147. Cllr Turner had advised that if he was able to attend at all he would be very late, it was RESOLVED to accept his apologies, if needed.
3. Receive any new declarations of interest – none received.
4. Co-Option – not required
5. Approve draft minutes of the meeting held 12 Noc 2024.
148. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as circulated as a true record and the Chairman signed the minutes.
6. Receive any external reports – not required.
7. Receive any Community groups or Organisation reports.
149. The Chairman reminded Members that the new Priest In Charge was being welcomed at a service on the next evening, 13 Nov 2024.
8. Clerk’s Report and matters arising.
150. The Clerk advised that as of 31/10/2024, the balance of both bank accounts was £61,370.33. All payments and receipts since the last meeting are listed at appendix A and B. Members were advised that now that the number of Councillors had increased a HR Committee could now be formed, but those Cllrs on the committee would need to undergo appraisal training, this would be addressed at the Jan’ meeting. Members were also advised that the replacement finials were still being sourced, the grit bin had been sourced but not ordered, and a quote had been requested for the plaque in commemoration of QEII. Also, Cllr Middlebrook advised that the request to make the trees in the Hall Field the subject of a TPO, was underway, as was the biodiversity grant application. The Clerk highlighted that Cllrs views were being sought on a proposal to allow Cllrs to attend meetings virtually, and to allow a vote by proxy, and encouraged Cllrs to submit their views on this. Council was also advised that the rules about anti social behaviour, (PSPOs – Public Space Protection Orders), relating to SKDC designated areas, also applied to any land to which the public had free access, so any pavement/highway, and also the recreation ground, Springwells area, etc. The problem still remained that enforcement was still required to make this effective.
9. Finance Matters:
a) To resolve to approve the accounts up to 31 Oct 2024.
151. It was RESOLVED to accept the accounts as circulated.
b) To resolve to agree to the payment of invoices on the previously circulated list of transactions for approval – not required.
c) To discuss next year’s budget, Precept and ideas received from Parishioners, and to resolve on the following items:
i) To discuss and resolve on any changes to requested income streams, to include: cemetery fees, land rental fees (for 2 years), the grass cutting on Blasson Way, donations received form the Cricket Club and Horbling PC, for the next financial year.
152. As there was an increase in how many people were having informal gatherings and not always using the services of a funeral director, it was RESOLVED that a separate charge of £25.00 per hour for administrative work, and £100 for any self -interment should be made, and all other fees to increase by 5%, rounding up or down to the nearest full figure.
It was RESOLVED to investigate the possibility of increasing the rent of some Council owned land in the F/Y 26-27, the legal fees for this would be required to be budgeted for in F/Y 25-26, and a provisional amount of £7k is to be allocated for total legal fees. A quote for this work to be sourced and brought to the January meeting. It was RESOLVED that if the current tenant wanted to renew, the rent should be increased to £200 per annum, if it is to be re-advertised, the rental fee should be charged at £250 per annum
It was RESOLVED to increase the fee charged to Parkers for the grass cutting on Blasson Way by 5% also.
It was RESOLVED to maintain the current amount requested as a donation from both the Cricket Club and Horbling PC.
ii) To discuss and resolve on any change to the contractors’ hourly rate for F/Y 25-26.
153. It was RESOLVED to increase the offer of the hourly rate paid to the caretakers and the Community Cleaner by 4.2%.
iii) To discuss and resolve on which Subscriptions and Direct Debits are to be carried on to next year’s budget. Consideration not limited to but must include: ICCM, ICO, CPRE, LALC, LALC ATS, SLCC, SCRIBE Accts, LALC INT AUDIT, LALC WEBSITE MAINTENANCE, SKDC WASTE, EE Parish phone, SMARTEST ENERGY pav electric.
154. It was RESOLVED that all current subscriptions as listed should be continued. It was also RESOLVED that all current DD’s should remain for the next financial year.
iv) To discuss and agree quotes received for both village grass and hedge cutting, and the cutting of the cemetery grass.
155.The cemetery grass did not need consideration as there is currently a 3yr contract running until the end of F/Y 26-27. It was RESOLVED to accept the quote from Glendale for grass and hedge cutting at a total cost of £3523.48.
v) To discuss and agree any additions to next year’s waste collection requirements.
156. It was RESOLVED that no further collections were required.
vi) To discuss and resolve as to providing provision within the budget for the continuation of payment for the Community Cleaner, in the event that the grant funding is ended.
157.It was RESOLVED to keep a budget of £2500 for payment of the community cleaner in the event that SKDC discontinue current funding.
vii) To discuss and resolve on which Cllr proposed projects to include in the budget for 2025-26.
158. There had been no requests from the public but three Councillor proposed ideas to consider, firstly that the Council purchase 2 more litterbins for use in the village, the development of a village museum, and a pump bike track be incorporated into the redevelopment project at the recreation ground or sited elsewhere in the village. After discussion, it was felt that all of these needed further thought, planning, and consultation, and could be re-considered at the next meeting.
viii) To consider the amount required for the precept.
159.It was decided that the draft budget should be amended as discussed and circulated prior to the next meeting in order that a decision about the precept could be made then.
10. Village Matters:
a) To consider any quotes received.
160. It was RESOLVED to purchase a replacement seat unit for the broken swing in the paly park for the sum of £2,129.86+ Vat. It was also RESOLVED to set a budget of £250 for booking the training for the following courses; Cemetery and memorial inspection, Legionella, and Appraisal training.
b) Items for next agenda – no topics requested.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.49.
APPENDIX A: Payments from 1/10to 31/10/24
01/10/24 |
416.04 |
07/10/24 |
30.00 |
09/10/24 |
917.28 |
09/10/24 |
31.45 |
09/10/24 |
131.88 |
09/10/24 |
270.45 |
16/10/24 |
47.00 |
21/10/24 |
58.00 |
29/10/24 |
10.34 |
30/10/24 |
917.28 |
30/10/24 |
25.00 |
30/10/24 |
1140.00 |
30/10/24 |
75.00 |
30/10/24 |
336.00 |
31/10/24 |
5.40 |
11/10/24 |
1371.00 |
30/09/24 |
926.24 |