January 2022 Minutes


APPROVED Minutes of the General Meeting held on Tuesday 11 January 2022 at the Sports Pavilion in the Recreation Ground.

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), D. Cope, J. Surtees, C. Labinjo and V. Vince, P Richardson, M turner.

In attendance: Mrs. H Beaver (Clerk), D Cllr Hansen, C. Cllr M Hill (From 6.34 – 6.57pm).

There were no members of the public present, so the Chairman opened the meeting at 6.30pm. 

1.Chairman’s opening remarks.

192. The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and asked that if any Councillor is unable to attend a meeting, at which they are due to report on an item, that they send the report to the Clerk, prior to the meeting if at all possible. She also asked Cllrs to take care when engaging on social media, to ensure that they are still adhering to The Code of Conduct, from a Council perspective, and reminded Cllrs that all the Council’s policies will be up for review at the next meeting.

2.Apologies for absence.

193. Two apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Major and Stafford. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands to accept both absences.

3.Receive any new Declarations of Interest.

194. There were no new declarations notified.

4.Possible Co-option.

As there are no vacancies at present, this item was not required.

5.Approve Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 9 Nov 2021

195. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to accept the previously circulated draft minutes  as a true copy. The Chairman signed the minutes.

6.Receive any external reports.

196. D.Cllr Hansen reported that he supported planning application S21/2521 and considered that it would be good for the village. He confirmed that the grant monies had been received by the Billingborough Art Group, that Business Grants were available online from SKDC, and that he was willing to help applicants if required. He also reported that another senior Councillor had left SKDC. 

197. C. Cllr M Hill reported that LCC expected Covid to peak in the county in 2-3 weeks. Also, that as Social Care and the  provision for Special Needs had a greater requirement, they were looking to set a budget with a 3% increase to help cover the shortfall, although this would still leave Lincolnshire with one of the lowest increases in the country. With the continuing concern that the funding for highways would continue to be reduced centrally, he asked that as many people as possible complete the survey that is on the LCC website at present. He said that after clearing the drains to rectify the flooding problem in West Rd car park, it was thought that there could be a further blockage under the High St., and that contractors were due to return to do further works. He was asked to chase this matter, and the sign on the A52 that had gone missing again. The urgency of repairs required to several jitties in the village was reiterated.

198. A report from the Police had been received and circulated prior to the meeting, and a discussion resulted, regarding participation in the Community Speedwatch Campaign. This was generally thought to be a good idea.

7. Receive any Community Reports.

199. Cllr Stafford sent a report from the Toller Trust, saying that discussions regarding a possible grant had been completed and that the matter was now closed. Cllr Labinjo stated that she had completed a risk assessment for the YOS and that she was hopeful that this would soon re-start. Cllr Vince reported that there was a new Headmistress at the School who was keen that the school be part of the Jubilee celebrations. Cllrs Surtees and Richardson reported that the New Councillors Training that they had attended recently via zoom, whilst very worthwhile and informative, there was a lot of information to absorb in the timescale. They both thought a face to face meeting would have improved the experience, but this was obviously not possible, not only due to Covid but also due to work commitments.

8.Clerk’s Report.

200.The Chairman commented that the website was much improved, asked the Clerk to send a letter of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Chapman for storing the salt and after discussion it was thought that an invoice should be sent for payment due in the cemetery. The Chairman updated members that, an agreement had been reached with Wicksteed Leisure, that meant the next 5 yrs inspection fees would be waivered. 

9. Financial Matters:

a) To Resolve to approve previously circulated accounts up to 31/12/2021

201. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to accept the previously circulated accounts as a true record.

b) To Resolve to agree to the payment of the previously circulated list of transactions for approval.

202. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to agree to the payments of all invoices listed in the transactions for approval document, previously circulated.

c) To agree to Clerk’s attendance on a cemetery management and compliance course with a cost of £45 for two days:

203. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to agree to the Clerk’s attendance on this course.

d) To Discuss and agree by resolution which, of any quotes received, for the cutting of the cemetery grass to accept, and if no quotes have been received, to agree by resolution, whether to re-advertise or to revert to the contractor cutting the area as before.

204. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to accept the quote from Indigo:19 to cut the cemetery grass on an, as required basis, for the sum of £100 per cut. Clerk to advise.

At this point, the Chairman brought forward agenda items 11a, 1 and 2, and also the closed session, 11k, 1 and 2, as all were pertaining to issues that could potentially affect which projects to include for the budget, which was to be discussed and finalised at 9f and 9g.

Therefore, the Chairman read out the required statement and it was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to go in to Closed session, D Cllr Hansen left the meeting.

11 K) Closed Session

1. To ratify preparations put in place in the event of the Death of a Senior National Figure.

206. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the preparations made for this event were appropriate, needed, and ratified. 

2.) Update on additional Land. 

207. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to continue to explore this as a major project. That once all parties involved had been consulted, and if a viable arrangement could be reached, grant funding and volunteering should be used to finance the majority of the project, which would be presented to the village for consideration, once firm plans had been established. 

As the closed session was completed, D Cllr Hansen re-joined the meeting.

11 Village Matters:

a) Recreation ground:

1)  To discuss and resolve whether to take forward the proposals of i) marking out the football pitch and ii) the proposal of starting junior football coaching.

208. It became clear during discussions that this idea, whilst still an intention, needed more planning. Cllr Richardson and Cllr Turner agreed to liaise, and this topic would be re-visited at a future meeting. No consideration needed to be given to either items, in terms of the budget.

2) Junior Cricket Club Enquiry, report and update.

209.  Cllr Woodhead and Cllr Turner reported that they had met with someone who was interested in coaching junior cricket. Whilst willing to support this, no more feedback had been received from the individual. At present, no consideration needed to be given, in terms of the budget.

9) Village Matters:

e) To discuss and set by resolution, the Precept request for 2022/23.

205. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to request the sum of £15,500.00 for the precept for the next financial year, which equates to an increase of 2.8% and adds 0.85p to the Council tax bill of a Band D property.

f) To agree by resolution, the new projects to adopt for 2022/23.

210. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, not to employ a Community Warden this coming summer, and that the £2k allowance be removed from the budget. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to alter the budget set aside for Christmas, from £3k to £1k and to keep the £1k allowance for village maintenance. As initial enquiries were indicating that the village signs planned, were likely to cost much more that anticipated, it was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to defer this for the current year’s budget, but to work on a finite design to include in the budget year for 2023/24.

It was also RESOLVED, by a show of hands, not to go ahead with the development of a Neighbourhood Plan, and to take the £1k allowed for this, out of the budget.
It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to investigate the feasibility of the Community Speedwatch Campaign, possibly taking this forward, rather than purchasing anymore speed cameras. The budget to be adjusted from £6k to £1k for the Community Speedwatch campaign.

It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that there was no need to have an allowance for plaques, but to increase the allowance for contributions towards the celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee to £1k.

A request for a donation had been received from LIVES, it was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to make a donation to them of £100, but to make no further donations other than to the RBL.

It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to make an allowance in the budget of £5k for the possible development of land, and any associated legal costs.

g) To agree by resolution, the final budget for 2022/23

211. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the previously circulated DRAFT budget, that was included in the supporting documentation for this meeting, be accepted with the amendments agreed at 9f 210. Clerk to action and circulate. 

10 Admin Matters:

a) Parks and Greenspaces application – update.

212. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to agree to apply to Fields In Trust with respect to the Recreation Ground.

b) To agree if any amendments are required to the BAGS Contract.

213. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that no amendments were required to the BAGS Contract for the following year, from the Council’s perspective.

c) To agree if amendments are required to the horsefield rental contract, including the provision of a gate. 

214. As the current tenant was keen to continue with the rental, and had agreed to the increase in price, it was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to continue with this letting, and also to purchase a gate and get it installed, before the start of the next financial year.

d) To agree to the Heads of Terms for the LALC Internal Audit.

215. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to agree with the Heads of Terms. Clerk to arrange audit.

e) Planning Applications: if required.

No requirement for discussion.

11.Village matters:

a) Recreation Ground

3.To advise of, and agree, responsibility for, maintenance of the new play park equipment. 

216. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, for the Caretaker at the Recreation Ground to carry on with this task, but to offer him the opportunity of going on an inspection course and to accompany the inspector on his next visit.

b) Springwells:

1. To agree which quote to accept for works to lay slabs in front of all remaining benches.

217. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to accept a verbal quote of £80 to do this work from Geoff Hallam. 

2. To ratify the appointment of the caretaker for the Springwells area.

218. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to agree the appointment of the Springwells caretaker.

c) The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – update following public meeting 8 Jan.

219. Cllr Turner reported that a committee had been formed of which he was Chairman, Cllrs Woodhead and Vince were also on the committee, plus several other members of the public. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that the pavilion could be used as a venue for these meetings. 

d). Village Signs – to discuss submitted art work/style of sign/any quotes received and to resolve on all three.

220. This had already been discussed in conjunction with the budget at item 9f. 

e). Emergency Plan – update.

221. This was deferred to the next meeting as the Cllr reporting was absent.

f) Jitties –any update

222. This had already been covered in the discussion at item 6 with C Cllr Hill. 

g) Competition Pics - To agree winner.

223. Two pictures were chosen and the winners are to be presented with a book voucher. It was agreed that a leaflet would be designed and costed ready to be agreed at the next meeting. Cllr Vince to action.

h) Speed Stats, if available. 

224. As the relevant Cllr was absent this was deferred to the next meeting.

i) . Old Noticeboard – to arrange removal and agree onward use.

225. It was agreed that the owner of the old vicarage should be contacted and a date for removal requested, when a representative from the Council could be present. Clerk to action. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands that the old noticeboard could be passed on to BAGS.

j) The Great British Spring Clean; to agree participation and any advertising.

226. It was agreed that the Parish Council should advertise this and encourage participation.

There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.57pm

The next general meeting is to be held in the pavilion on 8 March  2022.