July 2022 Minutes EOM


APPROVED  Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Billingborough Parish Council held on 7 July 2022 in the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation ground.Present: Cllrs C Woodhead (Chairman), P Richardson, R Stafford, R Rayside (from 18.38).

In Attendance: H Beaver (Clerk).The chairman opened the meeting at 18.30

1.   Chairman’s opening remarks

054. The Chairman explained that the reason the meeting had been called was to discuss the recent works undertaken by the Cricket Club at the recreation ground and thanked the members present for attending.

2.   Apologies for absence.

055. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Turner, Vince, Cope and Labinjo, it was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the reasons given. The absence of Cllr Surtees was noted.

3.   Receive any new declarations of interest. 

056. None notified.

4.   To consider any requests from Members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda. To agree, or not, by resolution to any dispensations, including voting rights. 

057. None received.

5.   To discuss the recent works undertaken by the Cricket Club and to resolve what, if any, action is required by The Council.

058. The main discussion points were as follows, that:

a) Whilst the Council was made aware that works to lay the practice area were being planned, no date of commencement, detail of the work to be done, and how it might affect the recreation ground, and Council’s liability towards health and safety and compliance with insurance had been communicated, nor any specific permission sought.

b) On visiting the recreation ground on 1 July, it was found that a pile of aggregate had been delivered to the car park, the height barrier at the entrance to the car park had been removed, a substantial pile of soil had been deposited at the top Eastern (?)corner of the playing field, approximately 12 of the paving slabs forming the path to the pavilion had been broken, and that both storage containers had been moved and a tarmac ramp of approximately 3-4 meters length had been laid at the entrance to one of the containers. As a consequence of moving the containers, gaps in the perimeter boundary to the new practice area now existed, posing a security risk to the pavilion particularly. All of this had occurred without any discussion or permission, where required, from The Council.

c) As Cllr Turner, who is also the Cricket Club Chairman, was unable to attend this meeting, it was reported that Cllrs Woodhead and Cope, accompanied by the Clerk had met with Cllr Turner, in his capacity as Chairman of the Cricket Club, prior to this meeting to gain an understanding of the situation from the Cricket Club’s perspective.

Cllr Woodhead reported that during this meeting Mr. turner had advised that the Cricket Club would rectify any damage caused at their expense. At the request of The Council, the height bar had been replaced. By the time the meeting with Mr. Turner took place, the broken slabs had been replaced and the gaps in the perimeter fencing had been filled, one permanently, with a fence panel and one had been plugged, as a temporary measure, with an old fridge/freezer. 

059. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands that the Clerk is to write to the Cricket Club with the following points and requests:

1. That: The Council very much hopes that communication in general, but especially in regards to any matter that affects Council land or property, is improved in the future. To that end, The Council must be notified of any issues, planned or otherwise, that affects any part of the recreation ground or pavilion, by contacting both  the Cricket Club liaison Councillor and by giving written notification to the Council via the Clerk. Agreement must be reached before any actions can go ahead.

2. That: The height barrier is not to be removed unless prior permission has been sought from the Council, via the liaison Cllr and the Clerk.

3. That: If it is found in the future, that any retrospective planning  permission is required for either moving the container/s or the laying of the ramp, then the Council will apply for the permission, but the Cricket Club must bear all costs, including that of any hours for administration, plans and fees.

4. That: The Council very much regrets that a ramp has been erected without consultation and asks that the Cricket Club meet all costs of any maintenance  to the tarmac ramp, that are deemed necessary by the Council to keep the structure compliant with health and safety and insurance requirements.

5.That: The Council requests that the soil is moved by  Friday 15th July. Cllr Richardson noted that this may be useful to help fill in the holes at the goal mouths and volunteered to assist the Cricket club with this.

6. That: The remaining gap to the practice area boundary should be filled by erecting a fence panel, that this work should also be completed by Friday 15 July, and  that the fridge/freezer and smaller fridge, that are currently being stored in this area are removed by the same date.

7. That: The Cricket Club is asked to reply to this email with its agreement to all points by 15/7/2022.

8. That: The Council thanks the Cricket Club for working quickly to make good the areas that have already been rectified, and for filling the pot hole in the car park.  The Council appreciates that this was done with the best of intentions, but respectfully asks that the Council is notified should an opportunity like this arise in the future.

8. That: The Parish Council, whilst disappointed with this lack of communication and the issues that have arisen, remains both resolute and optimistic that this matter can resolve quickly. It is very appreciative of all the work the Club and its members do, and is particularly supportive of the Club’s efforts to encourage junior members. It is hoped that going forward, both parties are able to gain a better understanding of the parameters under which each have to operate, and can establish a more mutually supportive and successful partnership.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 19.35