March 2022 Minutes


APPROVED Minutes of the General Meeting held on Tuesday 8 March 2022 at the Sports Pavilion in the Recreation Ground.

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R Stafford, V Vince, C. Labinjo and, M Turner.

In attendance: Mrs. H Beaver (Clerk), D Cllr Hansen. S Gell and R Rayside as applicants at Item 5.

There were no members of the public present, so the Chairman opened the meeting at 6.30pm. 

1.Chairman’s opening remarks.

227. The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting, expressed sympathy on behalf of the Council for the people of Ukraine and their situation, and advised that the Church were holding a vigil for the people of Ukraine on Sunday 
13 March where any donations collected would be forwarded to the British Red Cross.

2.Apologies for absence.

228. Three apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Cope, Surtees, and Richardson. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands to accept all absences.

3.Receive any new Declarations of Interest.

229. There were no new declarations notified.

4.To consider any requests from Members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda. To agree, or not, by resolution to any dispensations, including voting rights.

230. Cllr Turner requested dispensations to be included in the discussions of items 11c, 12f, and 13a 3, but no dispensation to vote. It was resolved by a show of hands to agree to all dispensations requested.

5.Councillor vacancies and possible co-option.

231. Cllr Hansen and Mrs. Rayside left the room whilst Members of the Council asked questions of the first applicant, then Mrs. Gell left the room whilst Mrs. Rayside returned and was asked the same questions. Each Councillor scored the answer to each question from both applicants and at the end of the procedure the Clerk added up the scores. Mrs. Rayside had the higher score and was therefore the successful candidate. After signing an Acceptance of Office form, witnessed by the Clerk, she was invited to join the meeting.

6.Approve draft minutes of the meeting held 11 Jan 2022.

232. It was resolved by a show of hands to accept the minutes as a true record.

7. To note, and adopt or otherwise, the minutes of meetings of the Queen’s Jubilee Committee held on 8/1, 5/2, 15/2, and 8/3 2022.

233. It was resolved by a show of hands to adopt all minutes as presented.

8. Receive any external reports.

234. Cllr Hansen reported that he had attended the Funeral of Mr. Hugo Meads, a well known past resident of Billingborough. At the recent budget meeting of SKDC, Cllr Hansen advised that the budget for the Ward Grant Scheme had been cut, and the food waste trial had also ended. Cllr Hansen reiterated his concerns that the Police force in Lincolnshire is seriously underfunded, comparatively speaking, with an increase in crime in rural areas. He asked Councillors to write to lobby their MP regarding this underfunding.

9. Receive any Community Reports.

235. Cllr Labinjo reported that although she had contacted the Youth Offenders Team, to try and re-instate this project post Covid, at present there was a shortage of available delegates. Cllr Labinjo to monitor and maintain contact. Cllr Turner commented that he found the new Cllr training useful overall. Cllr Woodhead had found the Garden of Remembrance course informative and thought provoking and the Clerk had found the cemetery management course very useful.

10.Clerk’s Report.

236. In the previously circulated Clerk’s report, the Clerk had advised that the bank balance as of the 28 Feb 2022 was as follows:  Current Account £6285.66, Reserve Acct £45153.66  Total:  £51, 439.32

The Chairman reported that she was meeting the volunteer mentioned in the report in the following week. She also wanted to thank the Cricket Club for carrying out repairs to the pavilion so quickly after the storm damage, and the Clerk brought to the attention of the Council, correspondence received that day, from the Aveland Arts History Group, requesting a donation. Clerk to gather more information and item to go on next agenda.

11. Financial Matters:

a) To Resolve to approve previously circulated accounts up to 28/02/2022

237. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to accept the previously circulated accounts as a true record. For transactions since the last meeting, please see Appendix A.

b) To Resolve to agree to the payment of the previously circulated list of transactions for approval.

238. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to agree to the payments of all invoices listed in the transactions for approval document, please see Appendix B. 

c) To discuss the request, previously circulated, received from the Cricket Club, requesting a donation towards the provision of practice nets, and to RESOLVE on the decision.

239. Cllr Turner explained that the CC were installing practice nets within the area formerly used by the Bowls Club. At present they had raised approximately £3,300 in donations, against a total cost of the project of £6,700. Although they did have funds in their account to complete the project, due to other maintenance costs outstanding they were seeking further donations. It is hoped that this venture will help to attract junior members, benefitting the local community, and generally improve the club, helping to secure its’ future. Cllr Turner was asked if any grants had been applied for and suggestions of where ones might be available were given. Cllr Turner then left the room whilst the matter was discussed. It was Resolved by a show of hands, to request that the Club investigate the possibility of applying for grant funding, and to report back to the Council who will then re consider the request once alternative funding has been explored.

d) To agree any course of action required following receipt of the internal audit report.

240. The Clerk reported that most of the recommendations had already been implemented. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, to accept all recommendations. A Pay Policy and HR Committee to be included on the next agenda.

e) To agree another Cllr to apply to be added as an authorised user to authorise payments online, replacing Cllrs Cope and Major.

241. Cllr Labinjo, volunteered to be added as an authorised user, subject to confirmation from her employer that this did not cause a conflict of interest. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that subject to any conflict of interest being ruled out, that the Clerk should apply for user authorisation for Cllr Labinjo.

f) To assign by resolution, a Cllr to carry out the checking of bank reconciliations as per point 2.2 of the Financial Regulations.

242. Cllr Turner, offered to take on this responsibility. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept his offer.

12 Admin Matters

a) To review and RESOLVE to agree any amendments to the following policies: Cemetery regulations/CCTV Code of Practice/CCTV Policy/Member’s Code Of Conduct/Complaints Procedure/Data Protection/Publication&FOI/GDPR Privacy Notice/ Disciplinary and Grievance/Equal Opportunities/Financial Regulations/Risk Assessment/Standing Orders/Safeguarding.

243. It was Resolved by a show of hands to agree to all alterations as previously circulated and to increase the pricing for photocopying requests of any documents to 30p per sheet for B&W, 50p per sheet for Colour, and to increase the limit of the authorised spend at point 4.6 of the Financial Regulations to £250 excl VAT, an increase of £50. Clerk to action.

b) To RESOVE to adopt, or not, any proposed additional policies, including, Cllr Expenses Policy and Health and Safety Policy.

244. After discussion, the Council decided it needed more time to consider these and this was deferred to the next meeting.

c) Parks and Greenspaces application – Update.

245. The Chairman reported that if the Council went ahead with this application and it was successful then Fields in Trust would become the trustees of the land. Consequently, the Council would have to seek their permission before undertaking any major works, development or improvements. It was resolved, by a show of hands to continue with the application. One Cllr abstained from voting.

d) To agree if any amendments are required to the previously circulated Springwells Caretaker’s contract.

This Item was not discussed as not required at present.

e) To agree if any amendments are required to the previously circulated Cemetery Caretaker’s Contract.

246. It was resolved by a show of hands that no alterations were required.

f) To agree if any amendments are required to the previously circulated Cricket Club Goodwill Agreement.

247. It was resolved by a show of hands that no alterations were required.

g) Parish Meeting, to discuss format and agree by resolution any budget amount required and allocate tasks.

248.  It was resolved by a show of hands that the meeting be held in the pavilion, no budget was required. Clerk to send invites. 

h) Planning Applications: if req’d

Item not required.

i) To agree by resolution the Terms of reference of the Jubilee Committee, it being a sub-committee of the Parish Council.

249. The Clerk advised that the committee would be an appointed committee rather than a sub-committee, that the agenda needs to be displayed for 3 clear eligible days before a meeting. Also, that the Council’s insurers must be informed of any plans and agree to who the Members are. It was noted that the Members are as follows: Cllr Turner, (Chairman), Cllr Vince, Cllr Woodhead, S. Turner, S Gell, R. Phillips, C. Williamson, P Bristow, J Green. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands to accept the members as written above, and to accept the Terms of Reference as previously circulated, with the following addition: 

All monies from donations, outside of the allowance set aside in the Parish Council budget, are to be used first, for the payment of invoices.After the events, should there be any monies left from donations received, other than from the Parish Council, must be donated to a Charity, that can be named by the appointed committee. The Clerk is to action this as a section 137 payment.
j) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – update to include informing all Members of the financial regulations and the change of status of the committee required, to be a sub- committee of the Council.

250. This was covered in the discussion at 249.

13. Village Matters.

a) Recreation Ground 

1. To discuss and agree by resolution, whether to take forward the proposals of marking out the football pitch, and also of starting junior football coaching.

251. The Clerk read out a report received from Cllr Richardson as follows: 

13A - Football at the Recreation ground.  I have briefly discussed my ideas with Councillor Turner and he suggested that it might be a better option to start youth football at Pointon Football Club. As all the facilities are in place.  I am waiting to hear back on whether Pointon Football Club would like to explore this.  I am also in discussions with Sleaford Football club to manage/ coach their under 7's for next season. In regards to the Parish Council item - at the moment we are no further forward than the last meeting.  Hopefully by the next meeting I will have more to report.

There were no further comments.

2. Junior Cricket Club enquiry – report and update

252. Cllr Turner commented that the Cricket Club were hoping to work with the Coach who had contacted the Council, and would keep the Council updated.

3. To discuss and resolve on the outcome, as to the site of the CC storage containers.

253. Cllr Turner advised that the scoreboard on top of the container has not been used for over two years now, and as there had recently been an attempt to break in to the container the Cricket Club would like to take the scoreboard away and move the container adjacent to the one bordering the old bowling green area, hopefully improving security. Both containers would sit at 45 degrees to the boundary. Councillors agreed to this proposal, on the proviso that the Cricket Club would re-seed the area where the container is moved from, that the painting of the container is completed, and no gaps are left in the boundary edge. Clerk to check if permission required from Highways.

4. To discuss, and resolve on any further action if required, including the allocation of tasks and a budget, regarding storm damage to the pavilion and any other areas within the parish.

254. No further damage reported, and reported damage repaired.

5. Pavilion risk assessment update.

255. As this was being carried out by a Member who has now left the Council, it was suggested that this be re-assigned and deferred to the next meeting.

6. Pavilion Fire Procedure – to RESOLVE to adopt of required, and allocate tasks.

256. Cllr Vince to ask the fire service for advice and the report to be presented at the next meeting.

7. To discuss if any action is required regarding a repair to the porch area of the pavilion and if so, to agree a budget and allocate tasks.

257. After a discussion it was decided, to ask for advice from a tradesmen and get costings for repairs. Cllr Woodhead offered to get quotes and report at the next meeting.

8. To agree by resolution the date for the opening of the tennis courts.

258. It was resolved, by a show of hands, that the tennis courts should re-open on the 27th March.

b) Springwells

1. Slabs in front of benches – update.

259. The Council is still waiting for the agreed contractor to do the work.

2. Springwells planters – to agree budget for summer planting and allocate responsibility for maintenance.

260. It was resolved, by a show of hands, that a budget of £50 be set for the purchase of plants for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Wright had agreed to continue looking after the Springwells planters and the Caretaker will support them.

c) Cemetery

1. To agree to the purchase of a grit bin to house the salt supplied by LCC, including the cost and to allocate task of transferring salt to the bin and agree any costs.

261. It was resolved, that as an alternative, the bag could be screened, Clerk to organise with cemetery caretaker.

2. To agree any grass cutting costs that has, or is to be done in preparation for Mother’s Day.

262. The Clerk reported that as this is weather dependent, it was very difficult to agree precise timings in advance, and asked to be able to manage this with the contractor, reporting to the Council at each meeting the no of cuts to date. The Chairman reiterated that it would need to be cut before Mothers’ Day.

3. To discuss the extra works required if a new gate is fitted, and resolve on the outcome, including setting a budget for any works agreed, and the allocation of tasks.

263. It was resolved to extend the current situation for another year.

d) Aveland Field – To discuss taking part in No Mow May and resolve on the outcome.

264. It was resolved to take this initiative forward in this area of the village, Clerk to advise contractors.

e) Entrance Planters – to agree by resolution the next seasons spend and who is responsible for maintenance.

265. The Chairman, suggested asking the gentleman who had recently volunteered his services to maintain them, and it was resolved to set the budget for the purchase of plants  at £150.00

f) Hall Field – update.

266. The Chairman reported that a brief outline of intention had been submitted to the Crown Estate and they had acknowledged receipt.

g) Emergency Plan

267. As the Cllr responsible for this had now left the Council, the Chairman asked for Volunteers, to take this project forward, Cllrs Turner and Rayside volunteered and their offer was accepted.

h) Jitties – any update

268. The Clerk advised that application forms to apply to LCC to make these public footpaths, and hence their responsibility, had just been received. 

i) School Competition – update and agree costs for printing leaflets.

269. It was resolved by a show of hands that 200 leaflets be printed, as long as the cost does not exceed £45.00

j) Community Speed watch – update

270. Chairman to bring further information to the next meeting.

k) Youth Offenders – To discuss and RESOLVE on any decision required following the zoom presentation on 1.3.2022.

271. As the zoom meeting did not take place due to the presenter being absent, this item had been covered at item 9.235

l) Old Noticeboard – to arrange removal

272. Cllr Turner volunteered to contact the owner of the property to arrange removal.

m). The Great British Spring Clean – update

273. Clerk advised that as soon as they were released, she would advertise this event with the posters provided.

n). To discuss, and resolve on any outcome, the perceived increase in reported crime related incidents in the village.

274. The Clerk reported that Cllr Richardson, had offered to organise a questionnaire to evaluate the views of villagers and also to review crime prevention in the village and report back to the next meeting. All Cllrs welcomed this. Clerk to add to next agenda.

There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.14pm

The next meeting is the AGM, which will follow immediately after the Annual Parish meeting which will start at 6.30pm on Tues 10th May at the pavilion.


Appendix A :

March 2022 minutes tbl1


Appendix B :

March 2022 minutes tbl2