July 2021 Minutes


APPROVED Minutes of the General Meeting held on Tuesday 13 July 2021 at the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation Ground.

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R. Stafford, V. Vince, D Cope, C Labinjo and from item 4a P Richardson.

In Attendance: Mrs H Beaver (Clerk), C Cllr Hill (until item 7) & D Cllr Hansen (until item18), 2 members of the public were also present( until item 18).

The Chairman opened the Public Forum at 6.30pm when the members of the public who were in attendance informed the Council of problems being experienced in the area of the Springwells with antisocial behaviour, particularly with teenagers going in the pond, playing football and climbing the wall at the old vicarage. This was causing stress to residents and to the local wild fowl. Appropriate signage was requested.

The meeting of the Council was opened at 6.45pm.

Chairman’s opening remarks

063. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Peter Pocock for his service as a Councillor, he had served on the Council for many years and his dedication was much appreciated. She also reminded Cllrs of the need to reply to emails regularly and that the trial with the correspondence file was not working so circulation would cease.

Apologies for absence

064. Two apologies for absence had been received, from Cllrs Surtees and Major, both were due to work commitments, it was Resolved by a show of hands to accept these absences as valid.

Receive any new Declarations of Interest

065. There were no new declarations notified.

Possible Co-option

066. Cllr Woodhead introduced Mr. Richardson who had applied to become a Councillor, he explained a little about himself before leaving the room whilst Cllrs discussed his application. It was Resolved by a show of hands to co-opt Mr. Richardson on to the Council.

a) 067.Mr. Richardson signed the Acceptance of Office form which was signed as witnessed by the Clerk and Cllr Richardson was invited to join the meeting.

Approve Draft Minutes of the APM and Minutes of the of the AGM both held on 4th May 2021

068. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept both minutes as a true copy. The chairman signed both sets of minutes. 

Receive any external reports

069 C. Cllr Martin Hill reported that LCC were to give priority to highways, public footpaths and bridleways, specifically unclassified roads and litter/fly tipping. More locally, the poor condition of the footpath between Billingborough and Pointon had been raised and Cllr Hill confirmed that this was on the list, as was repairs to the Rd going out of the village. Due to a change in legislation there may be a slight delay to the start of of the Aveland site, there is also a change in legislation due, that may affect the ownership of all the jitties, but in a positive way and LCC may now do repair works to the jitty between Burton and Brewery Lane. The missing sign on the A52 is still on order and Cllr Stafford raised the visibility issue at the crossroads on the A52. Cllr Vince queried the yellow lines that had been requested on Victoria St, and Cllr Hill said it was in the system. The PC had received a letter from a Parishioner regarding the number of lorries coming through the village. Cllr Hill took a copy of the letter away with him to investigate. The Clerk raised the issue of the continued flooding in West St car park. Cllr Woodhead raised the fact that gritters were being stored in the old Yard and queried if this was going to cause a noise nuisance in winter, Cllr Hill to investigate. Cllr Vince also raised the issue of overgrown footpaths, Cllr Hill asked that they be reported.

070. C Cllr Hansen said he was looking into the possibility of awarding any funds to the Billingborough Arts Group from the Ward Members Fund. He also reported that a change to the planning reforms may result in local residents having less say in planning issues.

Receive any Community Group and Organisation Reports.

071. Cllr Cope reported that he had attended the BAGS AGM and that the contract had been signed. Cllr Major had emailed to say there was no report from the Village Hall. Cllr reported that she had been in touch with the new YOS manager and was hopeful that a new contract could be set up. Cllr Stafford reported that a new chairman had been elected to the Toller Trust and that a meeting has been set for September. Cllr Woodhead reported that there was a meeting on Wed 14 July in the church to organise a rota of helpers for the new Pop Too sessions and that there is a Benefice meeting at the church in Billingborough at 7.30pm, wed 21 July and that there is a lot of change at present within the church and Billingborough will be without a vicar for some while.

Clerk’s Report and Correspondence and matters arising.

072. Clerk mentioned that no discount had been received on the invoice following the Council’s complaint regarding the standard of the last grass cut. It was Resolved by a show of hands not to pay the invoice as it stood at present.

Financial matters.

To resolve to approve the previously circulated accounts which include up to the 30/06/2021.

073. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the previously circulated accounts as a true copy.

b To resolve to agree to the payment of the previously circulated list of transactions for approval.

074. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to pay all the invoices on the previously circulated list except for the Glendale invoice.

To resolve to agree to the renewal of the insurance as per the 3yr term in August.

075. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to renew the insurance as is, but to increase the Public Liability amount from £10,000,000 to £25,000,00, as long as this does not increase the premium more than £50. Also, to get prices to have the pavilion revalued. Clerk to action.

To resolve to agree on which previously circulated quote to accept for the supply of electricity to the pavilion.

076. As the quotes had not been received until just before the meeting and there were some queries, Clerk to action and delegated to choose best value.

To resolve to agree previously circulated quote for the servicing of the fire extinguishers in the pavilion.

077. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the quote from M-Fire for £51.60 for the servicing of the fire extinguishers.

To resolve to agree which signatories to add or delete from the Unity account.

078. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to delete Cllr Stafford and add Cllr Major to the Unity Bank signatory list.

Administrative matters

a) To resolve to agree to free membership of parish online

079.  It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to take advantage of the introductory free membership of Parish on Line. Clerk to action.

b) To evaluate and possibly agree to adopt SCRIBE

080.  It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to adopt Scribe accounting, with the view to reviewing Scribe cemetery in the future. Clerk to action.

c)  To resolve to agree on which previously circulated quote to accept regarding gov.uk emails.

081. This was deferred to the next meeting and Clerk and Cllr Richardson to liaise re a supplier.

d)  To discuss and agree by resolution, the course of action regarding the land that is rented on Folkingham Rd

082. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that Cllr Stafford would organise the necessary legal steps needed to be taken to be able to advertise the land as available for rent again within the legal time frame. Clerk to supply Cllr Stafford with any outstanding details.

e)  Update on rates appeal for pavilion

083. The Chairman advised that this was still to be completed. Deferred to next meeting.

f)   To resolve to agree to amendments to the previously circulated Community Cleaners contract.

084.  It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that the amended Community Cleaner’s contract be accepted as circulated.

g).  To resolve to agree to the application of modification orders for all the jitties in the Parish.

085.  Due to the pending change in legislation as advised by C Cllr Hill, it was decided to defer at this stage, but to monitor and include on next agenda.

h).   To resolve to agree the decision regarding the acceptance of salt and sand.

086.   It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept both, Clerk to organise.

Recreation Ground

Resolved that the agreement should be altered to take into consideration the CC’s request regarding the old bowling green area, but the wording of any amendment is yet to be agreed. To be on agenda at next meeting. The outstanding electrical works 
have now been completed.

b)    Report from CC liaison member. Members to agree on any action required.

088. As Cllr Major was absent, the Clerk read out a report he had sent which said he had attended to the rodent issue in the pavilion but would continue to monitor, that the risk assessments were not totally complete but would be done before the next meeting. No action required.

c)    To resolve to agree a decision regarding the application to start grass roots football coaching.

089.  After discussion, Cllr Richardson offered to meet the applicant to try and further understand the proposition. To be resolved at next meeting.

d).    Update on new play equipment.

090.   The Chairman reported that work on this was not likely to start until September.

e).    To resolve to agree the previously circulated Rec Caretaker’s contract.

091.    It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the amended contract. Clerk to organise.

f).     To resolve to agree or not, the previously circulated quote for a weed treatment to the boundary hedge.

092.     It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to agree the quote from Complete Weed Control for £350 + VAT

g).    To agree to the proposal of a repair to the fence at the entrance to the play park and replacement of a kick board at the tennis court.

093.   It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to do the repair to the fence at the entrance. However, permission is needed from the landlord first. Clerk to seek landlord’s permission, Cllr Woodhead volunteered to replace the kick board.

RESOLVED by a show of hands that rather than purchase a new flagpole, to utilise the one already at the Village Hall.
RESOLVED by a show of hands to continue with the current accepted quote but Chairman to chase contractor.
RESOLVED by a show of hands to advertise for a caretaker for the area for 8hrs a month. Clerk to advertise once Job Description agreed. To be on next agenda.

Cemetery  - To resolve to agree to the payment of extra hours for the cemetery caretaker to paint the benches and agree colour to be painted.

098. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to agree to an initial 10 extra hrs for painting the benches and that the middle bench should be painted a willow/sage green. Clerk to organise.

Emergency Plan – update

099. Cllr Major had circulated a draft copy for comment, but it was decided to defer comments to the next meeting when Cllr Major would be present.

Queens Green Canopy/Platinum Silver Jubilee Celebrations and The Great Big Green Week   – to resolve to agree plan of action promote both topics.

100. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to encourage whole village participation in the Queens Platinum Jubilee with the suggestion of a village meeting. To go on next agenda. As The Big Green Week is in September, it was felt there was not enough time to arrange anything for this year.

16. Speed sign update and parking issues

101. It was reported that the sign was working well and seemingly having a positive effect. Parking issues were discussed earlier during

Cllr Hill’s report.

102. Clerk reported that there was a problem with supply of the glass, but had been advised that it should hopefully be here by the end of

a). To resolve to agree quote, previously circulated, for works to re-site, and to agree the new position of, the old noticeboard.

103. This was deferred to the next meeting.  

18. Closed session – Clerk’s Appraisal – To resolve to agree any action required or recommendation following the Clerk’s appraisal.

RESOLVED by a show of hands to agree to all recommendations made by the appraising panel of Councillors.
There being no more business the Chairman closed the AGM at 21.19pm.

Next Parish Council Meeting: 14 September 2021 in the Sports Pavilion, Billingborough Recreation Ground.