October 2021 Minutes EOM


APPROVED Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on Thursday 7 October 2021 at the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation Ground.

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R. Stafford, P. Major, P. Richardson. C. Labinjo from 18.45 In attendance: Mrs. H Beaver (Clerk).There were no members of the public present so the meeting was opened at 6.30pm

1.Chairman’s opening remarks.

153. The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting.

2.Apologies for absence.

154. Three apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Vince, Cope and Surtees. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to note the absences of Cllrs Vince and Cope and to accept Cllr Surtees’.

3.Receive any new Declarations of Interest.

155. There were no new declarations notified.

4.To discuss and agree on the content of any extra information in support of the completed Village Survey that is to be submitted to SKDC by Nov 10 2021

156. Cllrs commented that bus services were very infrequent. The problem of flooding caused by surface water and the poor state of repair of the drains was also mentioned as a concern. After investigation, it was thought that the sewerage works is working well within capacity. It was also agreed that some of the pavements are in very poor repair, as well as the roads. It was also noted that the mobile phone signal is very intermittent in some parts of the village. The Council agreed that if any social housing became free, then priority should be given to any Billingborough residents who might be on the housing register. It was also agreed that parking and the speed of traffic through the village was also an issue. It was felt that there was a good range of facilities within the village. The Chairman said that the Council was intending to investigate the prospect of developing a Neighbourhood Plan. Overall, it was the view of the Council that some development would be required, in order for the village to stay vibrant and remain a place where people want to live, work and visit, but that it should not be on green belt areas and should only be allowed if the correct infrastructure and services are in place. Any small developments of eg, two houses, should be permitted under certain circumstances. Chairman to Complete

5.To agree the Parish Council Representative for the Service of Remembrance.

157. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to agree to Cllr Major’s offer to be the Council’s representative at the service this year.

The meeting was closed at 18.52. The next meeting is on 9 Nov at the sports pavilion, with the Public Forum starting at 18.30.