September 2021 Minutes


APPROVED Minutes of the General Meeting held on Tuesday 14 September 2021 at the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation Ground.

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R. Stafford, D. Cope, P. Major, J. Surtees, P. Richardson.

In attendance: Mrs. H Beaver (Clerk), D Cllr Hansen.

There were no members of the public present so the Chairman opened the meeting at 6.30pm.

1.Chairman’s opening remarks.

105. The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and thanked Cllr Major for allowing the Council to have use of his skip.

2.Apologies for absence.

106. Two apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Vince and Cllr Labinjo. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to note Cllr Vince’s absence and to accept Cllr Labinjo’s.

3.Receive any new Declarations of Interest.

107. There were no new declarations notified.

4.Possible Co-option.

108. There had been two applications received. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that Cllrs Woodhead, Major and Cope would interview applicants prior to next meeting to facilitate co-option at next meeting. Clerk to organise.

5.Approve Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2021

109. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the previously circulated draft minutes as a true copy. The Chairman signed the minutes.

6.Receive any external reports.

110. Cllr Hansen reported that The Monitoring Officer at SKDC had recently left at short notice and the reason was unclear. He advised that if anyone was aware of any parishioners who had unmet care needs to advise either himself or SKDC directly as systems were in place to help. The topic of Devolution of the Local councils is still being pursued. The Leader of SKDC is not in agreement with this proposal.

7. Receive any Community Reports.

111. Cllr Surtees reported that although he had not yet spoken to the Safer Together Co-ordinator, he had had a conversation with a Police Officer who he saw in the village and had requested an increased presence when possible. Cllr Major reported that the Village Hall were in the process of getting quotes for new windows. Cllr Labinjo had sent a report saying that she had been sent forms for completion to facilitate the Youth offenders Scheme re-starting. Cllr Woodhead reported that the Church were going to be without a Vicar for some time and their new status was not yet confirmed. There is a benefice meeting on Tuesday 21 Sept at 7.30pm.

8.Clerk’s Report, Correspondence and Matters arising.

112.There were no comments about the Clerk’s report.

9. Financial Matters:

 a) To Resolve to approve previously circulated accounts upto 31/8/2021

113. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the previously circulated accounts as a true record.

b) To Resolve to agree to the payment of the previously circulated list of transactions for approval.

114. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to agree to the payments of all invoices listed in the transactions for approval document previously circulated.

c) To Resolve to agree to the coompleted AGAR part 3.

115. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the circulated AGAR part 3 as returned from the External Auditors.

d) To resolve to agree to the authorisation and payment of staff wages on a monthly basis.

116. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that payment of staff wages could be made monthly, without being pre-presented at a meeting, unless there was any overtime or back pay that would vary the regular amount.

e) To resolve to agree if any further action is required regarding appealing the rateable value assessment of the pavilion.

117. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to leave the situation as is at present but to review the decision to appeal in future should guidelines change.

f) To discuss the new LALC offer of Internal Auditor provision, and agree the provision of internal auditor for the current year.

118.It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to subscribe to the LALC offer for this financial year.

g) Grass Cutting a) To agree, or not, to payment of outstanding invoice. b) To discuss any changes in requirements for next year’s contract.

119. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to withhold payment until an acceptable response is received from the contractor.

120. The decision on the next year’s contract was deferred to next meeting.

10. Administrative matters:

a) To resolve to agree to the submission of the Village Survey.

121. As this had not yet been adequately considered it was agreed to hold an EGM on Thurs 7th Oct at 6.30pm to discuss this further.

b) Update on the current situation regarding the rental of land and to discuss and agree the preferred option going forward.

122.It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to instruct Escritt Barrell Golding to both persue the matter of delapidations should the need arise, and also to advertise for let, and organise a Business Farm Tenancy to enable the letting of, the approximately seven acres of land owned by the Council off Folkingham Road.

c) To resolve to agree on which previously circulated quote to accept regarding Gov.Uk emails.

123. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to ago ahead with purchasing an domain name from 20i costing £59.90 for 10 years.

d) To discuss and agree by resolution the best way to facilitate increased Police liaison.

124. This was addressed at items 7 community reports and item 10e below as Cllr Surtees had already agreed to contact The Safer Together Team and other contacts he had gained from talking to the Police Officer previously.

e) To agree to changes to any current Cllr roles, also taking in to account new Cllrs.

125. Cllr Surtees agreed to be the lead liaison for the Police/Safer Together Team. Cllr Major agreed to assist.

f) To resolve to agree to the proposed closure date, 31 Oct 2021, for the closure of the Tennis Courts.

126. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that the tennis courts should close on 31/10/2021.

g) To resolve to agree to the dates of next year’s meetings as per the previously circulated list.

127. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to adopt the previously circulated list of dates for next year’s meetings.

h) To Discuss and agree on an outcome regarding the proposition of gaining legal protection for our Parks and Green Spaces.

128. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to submit an application for this in consideration of the recreation ground and to investigate if the same could be applied to the Springwells.

i) To agree date and format of the previously proposed meeting to discuss arrangements for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.

129. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to defer this to the next meeting with the view to arranging a meeting in January.

11 Recreation Ground:

a). To agree, previously circulated and amended Cricket Club agreement.

130. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the amendment at point 16. Clerk was asked to action and also to request a timeline regarding the installation of practice nets.

b). To agree previously Circulated Cricket Club Risk assessment.

131. This was deferred to the next meeting.

c) To discuss and evaluate the need for any pest control in the pavilion.

132.  Cllr Major to monitor.

d) To discuss and agree installation of COSHH cupboard and First Aid box.

133.It was decided that a COSHH cupboard was not required but the Council should provide a First Aid kit. Clerk to action.

e) To resolve to agree a decision regarding the application to start grass roots football coaching.

134. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that the previous offer of football coaching could not go ahead. A suggestion was made regarding marking out pitches, this is to be brought to the budget meeting with costings.

f) Update on new play equipment.

135. The Chairman advised that the work may take place in October but the Company could not guarantee this due to a shortage of materials. Either way a request had been made that no work could be carried out during the week of half term.

g) To discuss if, after the removal of elder from the boundary hedge, any remedial fencing work is required.

136. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to leave this until the hedge grows naturally.

h) To discuss and agree if the Council wishes to repair the first section of fencing at the play park.

137. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that the Council should not carry out any works on the fence but to ask the landlord again if he would be prepared to make good. Clerk to action.

12 Springwells:

a) To agree to previously circulated and proposed contract for the Springwells Caretaker.

138. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the draft contract with an addition of cleaning the noticeboard.

b) To Consider and agree on any applicants

139. As two applications had been received, it was Resolved by a show of hands that the Clerk and Chairman should meet the applicants and hire accordingly.

c) To resolve to agree quote for the manufacture of the information sign and to agree the site where it is to be erected.

140. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to position the sign on the five- bar gate, that two signs be ordered so that they can be viewed from both sides.

d) To agree price, wording and positioning of brass plaque

141. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to have the larger brass plaque costing £66.50 + VAT and to position it on the information board.

e) Update on VE Day bench

142. Chairman advised that this was now complete, had been well received and thanked Mr Hallam for storing the bench for the Parish Council.

f) Update on the installation of slabs in front of all benches.

143. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to get a quote for the slabs from an alternative contractor who might not be as busy. Cllr Major to action.

13 Cemetery – update on painting of benches

144. The Chairman reported that two benches had been completed but the one that had been stained needed further work. Clerk to liaise with the caretaker.

14. Emergency Plan – Update

145. Cllr Major reported that additions still needed to be made, this was ongoing and would be reviewed again at the next meeting.

15. Update on parking issues and yellow lines.

146. The Chairman advised that the proposal of yellow lines being extended on Victoria St had not been voted on. After discussion it was RESOLVED by a show of hands not to request that the double yellow lines on Victoria St be extended. Cllr Major to bring stats from speed camera to next meeting.

16. Update on jitties

147. At present there was no further update, the work is still outstanding with LCC

17 Update on new noticeboard and agree new position of old.

148. The new noticeboard is being stored and awaiting the contractor being able to install. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that the old noticeboard be utilised at the sports pavilion.

18 To agree to re-erection of anti- dog fouling posters and, if agreed, to delegate tasks.

149. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that these should be re-erected. Cllrs Cope and Woodhead volunteered to do this.

19 Update on use of village hall flag pole and to agree purchase and price of flag.

150. Chairman reported that the flag pole at the village hall had been tested out, it needed a little attention but was usable. Three flags had been donated by a Parishioner, which could also be used.

20 To discuss and agree a budget for the planting up of planters for autumn/spring and to delegate tasks.

151. There was an offer from a Parishioner to take on this task. The Council were pleased of this offer but were concerned that they also needed maintaining. A budget of £100 was set to purchase bulbs, etc.

21 To agree arrangements for the Christmas lights.

152. As Cllr Vince was absent and it was getting quite late in the year,  Cllr Stafford is to speak to Cllr Vince and report back at the next meeting.

There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.09 pm

The next meeting is the EGM to be held in the pavilion on 7 Oct 2021, with the next general meeting to be held on 9 Nov 2021 in the Sports Pavilion.