November 2021 Minutes


Approved Minutes of the General Meeting held on Tuesday 9 November 2021 at the Sports Pavilion in the Recreation Ground.

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R. Stafford, D. Cope, J. Surtees, C. Labinjo and V. Vince

In attendance: Mrs. H Beaver (Clerk), D Cllr Hansen. M. Turner.

There were no members of the public present so the Chairman opened the meeting at 6.30pm. A member of the public joined the meeting at 18.39 and left at 20.34.


1.Chairman’s opening remarks.

157. The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and took the opportunity to remind Councillors of the importance of checking and responding to emails in a timely manner and that Council business should only be conducted via their designated Councillor email addresses. The Chairman also asked Councillors to revisit the Code of Conduct to ensure it was being adhered to, and requested that Councillors read the Transport Survey document and take part in the survey if at all possible.

2.Apologies for absence.

158. Two apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Major and Richardson. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept both absences.

3.Receive any new Declarations of Interest.

159. There were no new declarations notified.

4.Possible Co-option.

160. There had been two applications received and interviews held when identical questions had been asked of both applicants and the answers scored by the interviewing panel. Both score sheets had been sealed in separate envelopes until they were opened and counted at the meeting by Cllr Surtees and verified by the Clerk. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that Murray Turner, the successful candidate, be co-opted on to the Council. Mr. Turner signed the acceptance of offer form and joined the meeting. The Chairman thanked both applicants for applying. The member of the public who joined the meeting at 18.39 was disappointed that they were unable to ask any questions but the Chairman explained that any public attending have to be present at 6.30pm for the start of the public forum otherwise the Council meeting starts and that this is explained at the top of the agenda notice.

5.Approve Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 14 Sept and 7 Oct 2021

161. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the previously circulated draft minutes of both meetings as a true copy. The Chairman signed the minutes.

6.Receive any external reports.

162. Cllr Hansen reported that it was looking very likely that SKDC were going to make a loss on some property they had built in Bourne. He also reported that he had attended a meeting at Grantham Hospital about the proposed changes to A&E and advised everyone to take part in the NHS survey that was now open to all. The grant money earmarked for the Billingborough Art Group is still in the system and progressing but has not yet been paid. When asked if there was any further news on devolution, he replied that no further news had been disseminated.

7. Receive any Community Reports.

163. Cllr Stafford reported that an enquiry made to the Council about the availability of grant money for educational purposes, that had been forwarded to him by the Clerk, he would now deal with via the Toller Trust, of which he is a member, and would contact the applicants directly. There was also an application being considered from Brown’s School at Horbling. Cllr Surtees reported that he had been in touch with the Safer Together team and was hoping to invite a representative to the next meeting in January. Cllr Labinjo reported that she intended to put forward any projects for the YOS to take part in and asked Councillors for suggestions. Cllr Vince reported that she had received the leaflets that some of the pupils at the school had designed, the Council intend to put these on cars parked illegally. It was suggested that the best three could be picked for use on a leaflet and a book voucher be given as a prize. Cllr Major had submitted a written report stating that the  Village Hall committee were in the process of getting quotes to have new windows, flooring and heating and it was also reported that the committee had agreed that the public meeting to discuss the celebrations for the upcoming platinum Jubilee could take place at no charge. Cllr Cope reported on behalf of BAGS, that a new Chairman and Secretary were now in place, that all allotments were rented out, also that new gates had been put on the entrance as reports of thefts at other allotments had been received. 

8.Clerk’s Report.

164.The Chairman commented that as well as a request from BAGS, the village hall had also requested use of the old noticeboard. This would be discussed at the next meeting. There was an update to the installation of the new equipment at the play park, with an installation date for the end of November being received.

9. Financial Matters:

a) To Resolve to approve previously circulated accounts upto 31/10/2021

165. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the previously circulated accounts as a true record.

b) To Resolve to agree to the payment of the previously circulated list of transactions for approval.

166. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to agree to the payments of all invoices listed in the transactions for approval document previously circulated.

c) To discuss next year’s budget, Precept and ideas received from Parishioners, and to resolve on the following items:

167. The basic budget as presented was discussed, no amendments were made apart from increasing the donation to the RBL to £30 and adding a contingency of £500 for the Jubilee celebrations.

i) To Discuss and resolve whether to increase the cemetery prices for the next financial year.

168. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to increase the cemetery fees by 10% for the next financial year.

ii) To discuss and resolve whether to increase any rental rates for the next financial year.

169. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to increase the horsefield rent to £110.00 per annum. As the land off Folkingham Rd was already being dealt with, it was decided to leave the other rents as they are for the next financial year.

iii) To discuss whether to resolve that the insurance provision is to be adjusted as per previously circulated quotes following the updated Pavilion rebuild costings.

170. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that the additional premium to cover the increased rebuild costs should be paid, but not to pay for the cover of any subsidence. 

iv) To discuss and agree whether to subscribe to the LALC website, maintenance program. 

171. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to subscribe to the premium offer with immediate effect. Clerk to action.

v)  To discuss and resolve which subscriptions are to be included in next year’s budget. 

172.It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to continue with the subscriptions to LALC, including the training, CPRE, ICCM, ICO, ParishonLine, Scribe, Internal Audit and website maintenance via LALC.

vi) To discuss and agree the proposal of having the cemetery grass cut independently from the main grass cutting contract.

173. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to advertise the cemetery grass cutting as a separate contract. Clerk to action.

vii) To discuss and agree the previously circulated quote for grass and hedge cutting 2022-23 from the current provider, including or excluding the cemetery depending on decision of item 9vi.

174. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to carry on with the third year of the previously agreed quote with the current contractor but to increase the no of cuts to 12 per year instead of the current 9. Clerk to advise.

viii) To discuss and agree the contractor’s hourly rates for 2022-23

175. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to continue to pay the contractors at the current per centage rate above the National Living Wage.

ix) To discuss and agree any addition to next year’s waste collection requirements.

176. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that as and when the need arose,  the bin size at the Recreation Ground could be increased, as per the costings provided.

x) To discuss and resolve whether to adopt any projects submitted by parishioners.

177. There had been two proposals put forward; one being that some trees could be planted on the grassed area on Blasson Way and that the same grassed area should not be cut until May/June. After discussion it was agreed that as this land did not belong to the Parish Council, then the proposer should approach the landowner directly. The other proposal was to provide a Youth Club in the village. Again, after discussion, it was felt that although the Parish Council would support this, it could not be Council led. It was suggested that if an individual was to take this forward that perhaps the neighbouring Parish Councils and the Church could also be approached and the project could be supported collaboratively.

xi) To discuss and resolve on which Cllr proposed projects to include in the budget for 2022-23

178. After discussion it was generally agreed to budget for two further speed cameras, for the development of the cemetery and Aveland field, the third village entrance sign, and to explore the possibility of purchasing land. It was also agreed that new tables and external lighting could be purchased within the budget for the pavilion maintenance costs, costings for new heaters could be considered. Suggestions of a plaque scheme, forming a Neighbourhood Plan and giving a donation to a village facility needed further investigation and therefore all of the above topics could be discussed further at the next meeting before the budget is agreed.

xii) To discuss and agree whether to purchase any RBL display items, and if agreed, where to display.

179. It was RESOLVED not to purchase any display items at present.

10. Administrative matters:

a) To resolve that the Village Survey, as previously circulated, is ready for submission. 

180.  It was RESOLVED by a show of hands that this was now ready for submission.

b) Safer Together/Police liaison.

181. This item had been covered earlier at item 7.

c) Parks and Green Spaces application - update.

182. The Chairman informed Members that there was no further update and this would be on the agenda for the next meeting.

d) Queens Platinum Jubilee – to agree a date for meeting.

183. It was RESOLVED to set the date as 15th January if the village hall was free then, an alternative date mentioned was 8th January. Clerk to arrange.

e) To agree Clerk’s attendance on two ICCM courses and Chairman’s attendance on one.

184. It was Resolved by a show of hands to agree to this training for the Clerk and the The Chairman. 

f) To reconsider and resolve whether to go ahead with the previous decision of changing Cllrs email provider in light of the article in LALC news of 26/10/21.

185. It was RESOLVED not to go ahead with the change to any email addresses.

a). Recreation Ground – to discuss and resolve whether to take forward the proposals of i) marking out the football pitch and ii) the proposal of starting junior football coaching.

186. As this was being dealt with by a Councillor who was absent, this matter was deferred.

b). Springwells – update on the works to lay slabs in front of all remaining benches.

187. Quotes would be brought to the next meeting

c) Cemetery – to discuss and resolve on the proposal of cutting the internal East side hedge.

188.  It was RESOLVED by a show of hands to accept the quote for £485.00 +VAT 

d) To discuss and resolve on a response to the defra water quality survey and proposal regarding surface water at the cemetery.

189. The Clerk was asked to reply to the survey.

e) To discuss and resolve on the proposal of providing a Holiday Club via Finding Fitness. 

190. It was RESOLVED by a show of hands not to take this forward, it was suggested that the Primary School may be interested.

f) Christmas Lights planning.

191. Proposals were discussed but due to time restraints it was decided to defer plans until next year.

There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.24pm

The next general meeting is to be held in the pavilion on 11 Jan 2022.