July 2023 Agenda (Re-scheduled)
Notice of a General Meeting of Billingborough Parish Council in the Sports Pavilion at the Recreation Ground on Tuesday 18 July 2023
Members of Billingborough Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the above re-scheduled meeting commencing at 6.45pm. Members of the public are invited to attend. The meeting will be preceded with a Public Forum at 6.30pm, at which time any parishioner is invited to ask questions, make suggestions, raise issues or give feedback to the Council; All Members are requested to be in attendance. The Public Forum will be followed by the formal Council Meeting. If no public are present at 6.30pm the full meeting of the Council will commence. Unless stated in the Agenda, any items raised at the Public Forum requiring a decision, will appear on the Agenda at the next meeting. This meeting will be recorded.
Hayley Beaver
Clerk to the Council
12 July 2023
1. Chairman’s opening remarks
2. Apologies for absence.
3. Receive any new declarations of interest.
4. To consider any requests from Members for a dispensation on any items on the agenda. To agree, or not, by resolution to any dispensations, including voting rights. (Decision – All)
5. Co-option – If required. (Decision – All)
6. Approve minutes of the APCM held on 5 June 2023. (All)
7. Receive any external reports (County, District, Police, etc)
8. Receive any Community Groups and Organisation reports – as required.
9. Clerk’s report, correspondence and matters arising.
10. Financial Matters:
a) To resolve to approve the accts up to 30 June, as circulated. (RFO; Decision – All)
b) To resolve to approve payment of invoices on Appendix C (RFO; Decision – All)
c) To receive a report from Cllr Turner regarding financial checks to 30 June 2023.
d) To consider any changes to the current insurance requirements and RESOLVE to accept the quote circulated as part of the 3year agreement. (RFO; Decision – All)
e) To consider applications to the levelling up fund and /or community ownership fund. (Chairman; Decision – All).
f) To re-schedule date for Clerk’s appraisal. (Chairman; Decision – All).
11. Administration matters:
a) To review the Recreation Ground Caretaker’s contract. (Chairman; Decision – All)
b) To review the Community Cleaner’s contract. (Chairman; Decision – All)
c) To review the Cricket Club agreement. (Chairman; Decision – All)
d) To review comments received from BAGS regarding changes to the agreement between BAGS and the Parish Council. (Chairman; Decision - All)
e) To consider if all Council owned land should be registered with land registry. (Chairman; Decision – All)
f) To discuss the request for Springwells Ambassadors. (Chairman; Decision – All).
g) To discuss new guidance on the consideration of biodiversity in Council decisions. (Chairman; Decision – All)
h) Current Planning Applications – if required. (Chairman; Decision – All)
12. Recreation Ground:
a) Fields in Trust, land registration – Update (Chairman).
b) Wicksteed Inspection and repair works - Update on repairs and to agree any quotes received for works required. (Chairman; Decision – All).
c) External decoration of pavilion– To consider any quotes received. (Chairman; Decision – All)
d) Internal works to pavilion – Update. (Cllr Turner).
e) To discuss and agree budget for repairs required to external cupboard and blue gate. (Chairman; Decision – All)
13. Spring Wells:
a) Slabs below benches – Update (Chairman; Decision – All)
14. Hall Field – Update regarding questions raised at public meeting. (Chairman; Decision – All)
15. Village signs – update. (Chairman; Decision – All).
16. Aveland Field – To resolve as to when the grass cutting should re-commence. (Chairman; Decision – All).
17. Cemetery maintenance – To discuss and resolve on budgets required for repair to old or the purchase of new gates and repair/redecoration of benches. (Chairman; Decision – All)
18. To discuss maintenance of the church yard. (Chairman; Decision – All).
19. Emergency Plan – Update. (Cllrs Turner and Rayside. Decision – All).
20. Youth opportunities – (Cllr Rayside; Decision – All).
21. Community Speed watch – To receive feedback and discuss forming a management committee to take over implementation of the project. (Chairman; Decision – All).
22. Speed camera data feedback – (Cllr Surtees).
23. electric vehicle charging - update (Cllr Turner and Chairman; Decision – All).
24. To discuss any commemoration for the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. (Chairman; Decision – All)
25. To discuss and RESOLVE on action required for taking part in DDAY 80 (Chairman; Decision – All).
26. Coronation bench – update. (Chairman; Decision – All).
27. Traffic attendant – update. (Chairman; Decision – All).
28. To consider a request to ask LCC to make West Rd prohibitive for HGVs.
Next meeting: Tuesday 12 September at the Pavilion, Recreation Ground.