January 2020 Minutes
Approved Minutes of the Billingborough Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14 January 2020 in the Billingborough Primary School, Victoria Street
Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), P. Pocock, R. Stafford, F. Stevenson, V Vince, D Cope
In Attendance: Mrs H. Beaver (Clerk & RFO), C. Cllr M. Hill (item 6 only), D. Cllr Hansen (SKDC)
There were no members of public present, so the Chairman opened the Meeting at 6.30pm.
1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
246. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished them a Happy New Year.
2. Apologies for absence
247.No apologies for absence were received.
3. Receive any new Declarations of Interest
248. There were no new declarations of interest notified
4. Councillor vacancies and possible co-option
249. The Chairman confirmed that Cllr P Harvey-Volanakis’ resignation had been confirmed so there were now 3 vacancies. There had been one expression of interest received.
5. To Approve the Minutes of the last Meeting
250. The Draft Minutes of the Meeting on Tuesday 10 December were unanimously accepted as a true record of the Meeting; the Chairman signed the file copy.
6. External Reports
251.D. Cllr Hill reported that the new LCC website was now up and running and encouraged all parishioners to register any items requiring attention on this new “report it” website There is also to be a new provider of all Parish websites by the end of march 2020. There has been an increase in the LCC budget, some of which is specifically for highways and social care. Cllr Hill was concerned that the number of proposed dwellings on the Aveland site had increased. The Chairman expressed the Council’s concerns and also posed questions about the amount of surface water on Birthorpe Road. She also queried the lack of cat’s eyes and white lines coming into the village from the A52 along Mareham Lane to the crossroads with Billingborough Road and from Folkingham village via Billingborough Rd to the village.
252. C. Cllr Hansen reported that SKDC had a new Chief Executive, Karen Bradford and that he was still endeavouring to establish who the new owner of the old Grimer’s site is and to have the missing sign on the junction from the A52 to B1177 reinstated.
7. Community Group Reports
253. Cllr Stevenson reported that the YOS continued to occasionally undertake general tidying in the village.
8. Finance Matters
a) FY2019/2020 Accounts to date (circulated prior to meeting)
254. No comments or questions received.
i) Approval of Expenditure
255. The previously circulated transactions for approval were presented and agreed.
b) Approval of FY2020/21 Budget and Precept
256. After discussion it was RESOLVED to set the budget for the FY2020/21 at £54,975.92. and the precept at £14,700.00 representing a 2% increase for a band D home.
9. Village Matters
a) Land Values
257. Cllr Stafford requested that this item be postponed for discussion at the next meeting in a closed session.
b) Reimbursement of allotment water bill to BAGS
258. The Chairman reported that BAGS had been credited with the full amount of the bill including the VAT, however the reimbursement from LCC does not include the VAT amount. It was Resolved that the difference would be met by the Council.
c) LALC Annual Subscription and Training Fees
259. It was Resolved to pay the Annual Training Scheme subscription of £150. The
Clerk’s request to attend eight training courses throughout the year was agreed.
d) Newsletter – change of month of distribution
260. Following a discussion about data previously circulated by the Chairman, it was
Resolved to continue with the current newsletter submission rota.
e) Recruitment Campaign.
261. The Chairman asked if any Councillor would be willing to write a brief resume of why they joined the Council to support the recruitment campaign, Cllr Cope volunteered to do so. It was Resolved to continue advertising all vacancies on the noticeboard, website and via the newsletter.
f) Review dates of Parish, AGM and Budget Meetings.
262.It was Resolved to keep the Parish and AGM meetings on the same date and to include the Draft budget meeting in November’s meeting. Clerk to display new poster.
g) Dog Fouling Campaign.
263.Feedback on the campaign was positive and it had been noted that it had had some positive effect on tackling the problem.
h) Noticeboard.
264. It was Resolved that, as this needed a site meeting, Cllrs Woodhead, Vince and Stevenson would liaise and report back to the next meeting.
i) Police Station.
265. It was Resolved to include this in the newsletter and take into account the views of parishioners.
j) Aveland Land Transfer
266. The Chairman reported that there was no further update.
k) Grimer’s Yard
267. It was noted that, if the recent adjustments to the Local Plan are agreed by SKDC, then the Grimer’s site would no longer be designated for housing.
l) Anglian Water Inspection
268. The Chairman reported that the reinspection date has been changed to 26th March 2020.
m) Cricket Club Agreement
269. It was Resolved that The Goodwill Agreement between the Cricket Club and the Council should be amended, notifying the Cricket Club of their responsibility for the health and safety of the public when using the new watering system, whether or not it is attended. Alteration of the agreement will be completed once negotiations regarding the bowling green have been completed. Clerk and Cllr Stafford to action.
n) Beech Hedge at Aveland Site
270. It was unanimously agreed that the recent works to significantly reduce the height of the beech hedge running along the East side of the cemetery had made a vast improvement to the overall appearance of the cemetery and driveway to the allotments.
o) Recreation ground car park gates
271. The Chairman reported that following her meeting with the painter, and Cllr Cope, to discuss the Council’s concerns about the paintwork on the entrance gates, the painter had agreed to repaint the gates and had also kindly offered to paint the new latch on the gate to the play park.
p) Hawthorn Bushes – update
272. The Chairman advised that these had not yet been purchased but this would be done over the next month or so. She also reiterated her request for helpers to assist with the planting.
q) Donated trees / Tree for VE Day
273. It was Resolved to purchase an Oak Tree for the commemoration of VE Day.
10. Planning Applications.
274. No new applications received.
11. Urgent Reports
275. None received.
12. Clerk’s Report & Correspondence
276. The report had been circulated prior to the meeting. There were no comments or questions.
a) Items for the next Agenda
277. Other than those previously minuted, there were no items for the next Agenda
13. Closed Session
278. The Chairman read the required statement and it was Resolved to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the topic being discussed.
a) Discussion of document received from LALC.
279. Following discussion it was agreed to implement some of this guidance and for the Clerk to seek further clarification from SKDC and LALC.
There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.
Next Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 3rd March 2020 commencing at 6.30 pm At Billingborough Primary School