November 2020 Minutes EOM

Draft Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Billingborough Parish Council held via Zoom on Tuesday 17th November 2020 

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R. Stafford, V Vince, D Cope.

In Attendance: Mrs H. Beaver (Clerk & RFO).

There were no members of the public present, so the Chairman opened the Meeting at 6.30pm.

1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

435. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting and thanked them for attending.

2. Apologies for absence

436.The Clerk reported that no apologies for absence had been received. Cllr Surtees sent apologies after the meeting.

3. Receive any new Declarations of Interest

437. There were no declarations of interest notified.

4. To complete discussions on possible projects and agree DRAFT budget

438. Following extensive discussions on the eleven ideas that had been put forward as suggested projects, it was Resolved that eight of them should be either included in next year’s budget or that funds be earmarked for use in future years. The previously circulated Draft Budget, that did not include the projects discussed, was agreed in principle and the Clerk was tasked to add the budgeted figures for the agreed projects and to re-circulate. This could not be finalised as no communication had yet been received from SKDC regarding the payment or setting of the Precept.

5   To set the Precept, (if information available).

439. As no correspondence had yet been received regarding the Precept, this item had to be adjourned to the next meeting.

There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 19.54pm     

Next Meeting of the Parish Council: Tuesday 12th January 2021 commencing at 6.30 pm via Zoom or in the Pavilion at the Recreation Ground.