March 2020 Minutes

Approved Minutes of the Billingborough Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 3 March 2020 in the Billingborough Primary School, Victoria Street

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R. Stafford, V Vince, D Cope

In Attendance: Mrs H. Beaver (Clerk & RFO), C. Cllr M. Hill (item 7 only),

There was one member of the public present who came to observe only, so the Chairman opened the Meeting at 6.30pm.

1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

279. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that a member of the public, who had expressed an interest in becoming a Councillor had come to observe.

2. Apologies for absence

280.Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr P Pocock and Cllr F Stevenson.

3. Receive any new Declarations of Interest

281. There were no new declarations of interest notified. 

4. Recording of meetings.

282. It was Resolved to agree to the recording of the meeting, which after the approval of the minutes, as per Standing Orders, would then be deleted.

5. Councillor Vacancies and Possible Co-option

283. No applications received but member of public present to observe as interested.

6. To Approve the Minutes of the last Meeting

284. It was Resolved to accept the DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Tuesday 14 January as a true record; the Chairman signed the file copy.

7. External Reports 

285. D. Cllr Hill reported LCC would not be prepared to sell to the developers with the current plans as they are and that they had been advised of this. The plans could be amended but if not acceptable then LCC could become the developer. D.Cllr Hill had looked at the problem with surface water on Birthorpe Rd and LCC are to investigate along with Black Sluice. He also reported that the white lines and cat’s eyes that Cllr Woodhead mentioned at the previous meeting had been requested. Regarding Coronavirus, LCC were following guidelines as they were issued.

8. Community Group Reports

286. Cllr Woodhead reported that BAGS had asked her to thank the Council for reimbursing them in full for Inv 6098277 as agreed at the meeting 10 Dec 2019 minute ref;5 a) 231. They had also reported that they were aiming to be water selfsufficient as soon as possible.

9. Planning Applications

287. S19/0084 amended plans have been submitted, Clerk to ask for an extension to reply date.

288.S19/1968 This application has been withdrawn at present.

289.S19/1822 Decision still pending.

290.S20/0247 Decision pending but no objections after Cllr Cope spoke to applicant.

10. Clerk’s Report (including training report)

291. The Chairman thanked the Clerk for a comprehensive report and commented that the training report, which was on planning, had been particularly helpful.

11. Finance Matters

i) FY2019/2020 Accounts to end Feb 2020 (circulated prior to meeting)

292. The Pavilion electricity bill was discussed and it was agreed that the higher amount was due to the speed sign having been charged there on one occasion. 

ii) Approval of Expenditure

293. The previously circulated transactions for approval were presented, as Cllr Woodhead had a claim for reimbursement of ink costs, she abstained from the decision to authorise the payments. The remaining Councillors Resolved to approve the list of expenditure. RFO to raise the approved BACS payments for authorisation.

iii)  Authorisation of LALC subscription fees 2020/21                                                      

294.It was Resolved to accept and subscribe to LALC as per invoice sent.

12. Policy reviews.

295.It was Resolved to adopt all previously circulated amendments except for the following;

Cemetery regs 3.13, 5.7 and 5.12. defer decision until after Clerk’s burial course. 6.6 to remain as it is. Decision on cemetery charges and excess soil deferred to next meeting. Financial Regs 2.2 Clerk to check with LALC and report to next meeting. Standing Orders leave as is, except change his hand to their hand.

13. Parish Matters

a) Land Values 

296. Cllr Stafford to investigate the possibility and efficacy of including an addition to the current agreement and report back at next meeting.

b) Update on Brown Sign 

297 Cllr Stafford reported that three more forms have been sent to LCC and that the process should now be complete but may take 6-8 weeks for the decision to come through.

Cllr Stafford to update at next meeting.

c) Cllr vacancy Application Form

298. It was Resolved to accept the previously circulated suggested supporting notes and  the application form. 

d) Update YOS contract

299.It was Resolved to approve the previously circulated and updated contract. The Chairman asked for this to be actioned annually.

e) New National Living Wage rates for Contractors.

300. It was Resolved to increase the hourly pay of both caretakers to equal the same hourly rate. Clerk to advise. 

f) Upgrade to Speed sign.

301.It was Resolved to accept the quote obtained from Unipart to adapt the speed sign to solar power. Cllr Cope and Clerk to action. include the Draft budget meeting in November’s meeting. Clerk to display new poster.

g) Dog Fouling Campaign.

302.The Chairman reported that according to the data collected by the community  cleaner there had been a 41% decrease in the amount of dog fouling from Nov/Dec to Jan/Feb. 

h) Litter picking.

303.Following an offer to help with litter picking on a voluntary basis, it was Resolved to purchase, up to a maximum spend of £75, some equipment to facilitate this.

i) Community Warden.

304. The Chairman reported that she had spoken to the prospective candidate who had agreed to visit the village to discuss this further. Cllr Woodhead to report back at next meeting.

j) Village Planters

305.Cllr Vince volunteered to organise this, it was Resolved to set a budget of £150 to buy plants.

k) Newsletter. 

306.Councillor Woodhead was thanked for all her efforts with this, several Cllrs commented that they had received positive comments about it recently.

l) V E Day commemoration.

307. As there had been several donations recently of saplings to plant, it was Resolved to source prices of a bench to be sited on the North boundary of the recreation ground in commemoration of VE Day.   

m) Donation of saplings.

308. It was Resolved to accept all donations and to plant them in the Recreation Ground. Cllrs Cope and Woodhead to action.

n) Noticeboard

309. Cllrs to establish a firm price of a wooden noticeboard in the chosen design.

o) Premises licence certificate.

310. As no comments had been received about this from parishioners, this was not discussed any further.

p) Police Station Update.

311. Discussion postponed until feedback from village received.

q) Surface water on Birthorpe Road.

312.It was felt that this had been adequately covered in D Cllr Hill’s report. Item 7.

r) Repair to wall of West St car park.

313. The Cerk reported that she had contacted SKDC and had been advised that the work had been scheduled.

s) Internal Auditor.

314. It was Resolved to engage Denise Gascoyne. Clerk to action.

t) Donation from HPC

315. The Chairman reported that she had managed to gain an assurance from the Horbling Parish Clerk that a transfer would be done before the end of the financial year.

u) Recreation Ground

i) Use of Bowling Green area 

316. It was Resolved to accept the previously circulated wording to the CC agreement.

ii) Water Inspection Update 

317. It was Resolved to instruct the plumber to carry out the works upto a budget of £250.

Cllr Cope to liaise with plumber.

iii). Agree to change of wording in agreement with respect to new watering system.

318. It was Resolved to accept the previously circulated wording to the CC agreement.

iv). Reply re permission to use pavilion.

319. It was Resolved to decline the application to use the pavilion. Clerk to advise.

v). Tennis Courts – decision on quotes.

320. It was Resolved to accept the quote from SSS for £864.80 +VAT Clerk to advise.

vi) Decision on planned opening date

321. It was Resolved to open the tennis courts from 12th April.

vii) Litterbins; authorisation of date to order

322.It was Resolved to order 4 x litterbins, the same as the ones ordered in Aug 2019, at the start of the new financial year. Clerk to action.

viii) Play Park Inspection.

323.It was Resolved to accept the quote. Inspection report to be on next agenda.

ix) Decision on previously circulated quotes for painting play equipment.

324. It was Resolved to postpone this until September 2020. 

x) Review of last year’s painting of Play park gate.  

325. It was decided to ask painter to advise. Clerk to action.

v) Spring wells

i) Planned planting of planters on fence

326. It was Resolved to order 3 x planters as per quote for £349.11+VAT Clerk to action.

ii) Refurbishment update

327. Cllr Vince and Clerk to research and report to next meeting.

iii) Previously agreed tree work update

328.This has had to be postponed due to weather 3 times, work is now scheduled for March 21st.

w) Cemetery

i) Planting of flowerbeds

329. It was Resolved to accept a budget of upto £200

ii) Internal cutting of horsefield hedge

330.It was Resolved to accept the quote from Simpsons for £480+VAT Clerk to action

14. Annual and Parish Meeting

331. Suggestions were made and the Clerk was asked to contact all parties. 

15. Closed Session to update on LALC Document.

Not required as no reply from SKDC. 

16. Receive any urgent reports.

None received

There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.18pm.

Next Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 5th May 2020 commencing at 6.30 pm At The Sports Pavilion, Recreation Ground.