March 2020 Minutes EOM

Approved Minutes of the Billingborough Parish Council Meeting held on Saturday 21st March 2020 in the pavilion, Recreation Ground.

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), V Vince, D Cope

In Attendance: Mrs H. Beaver (Clerk & RFO)

There were no members of public present, so the Chairman opened the Meeting at 11.15am.

Due to the uncertainty in respect of the spread of the Covid19/Corona Virus and in order to limit any risk to members of the public, elected Members, or contractors and not withstanding any relative Government legislation or advice from relevant medical or any public body pertaining to best practice, the following items were discussed as part of an ongoing contingency plan and to ensure the smooth running and operation (wherever possible) of the Parish Council over the interim period.

1. Apologies for absence

330. Apologies, with valid reasons for absence had been received from Cllr Stafford and Cllr Stevenson.

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved that those apologies with valid reasons for absence be accepted from Cllrs Stafford and Stevenson.

2. Receive any new Declarations of Interest

331. There were no new declarations of interest notified. 

3. Discussion of Covid 19 Emergency Planning.

332. Safety statement - Meetings 

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved that the Parish Council recognises and agrees that no business, meeting, service provision or service delivery of The Council is of any importance above that of public and personal safety. As such all scheduled public meetings will be cancelled until further notice, or as circumstances dictate.

333. Suspension of Standing Orders and Financial regulations

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved, that the Parish Council gives delegated authority to the Clerk (in consultation with the Chairperson) to: suspend any relevant Standing Order or Financial Regulation as necessary to ensure the smooth running and operation (wherever possible) of the Parish Council, until further notice, or as circumstances dictate, with the Clerk to compile and maintain a list of such suspensions and reasons to be presented at a future meeting of the Parish Council.

334. Annual Council Meeting/Annual Parish meeting.

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved that as the cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the Annual Parish Meeting (scheduled for the 5th May 2020), the role of Chairperson and all Councillors will remain the same until a suitable and safe public meeting is called and held.

Where any cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the holding of the Annual Parish Meeting, the Parish Council will hold such meeting at a future date.

It is noted that whilst the above decisions are contrary to existing legislation (as of 21st March 2020) the Parish Council has made these decisions in order to place public safety at the forefront.

335. Orders for Payment

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved, that the Clerk shall email all information to Councillors re orders for payment. Councillors are to confirm, by email, their agreement to the payments and two Cllrs with designated responsibility will then authorise the online payments (or sign any cheques if needed).

These measures are put in place with robust transparency processes to ensure effective business continuation and ratification by the Parish Council is to be made at the earliest and safest opportunity.

336. Planning Matters

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved that the Clerk continues to circulate all Planning Applications to Councillors on receipt and Councillors are to respond via email. The Clerk is to collate and submit responses on a majority basis to SKDC.

337. Staff Annual Appraisal

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved that any Annual appraisal due would be delayed, but any monetary awards be backdated, (once and if approved)  to the latest anniversary of commencement of employment. 

338. End of Year Accounts

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved, that the Clerk was to carry on with the preparation of the end of year accounts until a firm directive had been received, this was expected soon.

339. Tennis Courts and recreation Ground accessibility

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved to maintain the opening and closing of the car park barrier at the Recreation Ground and also to continue with the intention of opening the Tennis Courts on the 12th April, unless a directive was issued that prevented this, or illness prevented this from happening.

340. Organisation of the Cemetery.

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved that as at present, the Clerk had sole responsibility for this, two Councillors would be nominated to assist, in her absence.

Councillor Stevenson had already volunteered and Councillor Vince also volunteered. Clerk to prepare folders of relevant paperwork and carry out training by telephone.

341. Co-option of new Councillors

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved, that as all meetings had been suspended until further notice and therefore co-options could not take place, any pending applicants should be contacted and the situation explained. Clerk to action

342. Suspension of planned works

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved that any expenditure that had been agreed could go ahead as normal, subject to contractors being available, but any other planned work would be suspended.

343. Newsletter

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved to carry on with the newsletter whilst ever there was new information to disseminate and the printers and distributors were operational.

344. Report on Emergency Planning meeting

The Chairperson reported that there had been a meeting on 21st March 2020 at 10am attended by herself, H Beaver, D Cope, D. Cllr J Hansen, C Lambert and J Keeney (both from Linkwell) R Stacey, from Horbling Parish Council and G Chase, Co-op. Linkwell are a volunteer organisation who already have DBS checked volunteers helping elderly and vulnerable people with tasks like shopping, delivery of prescriptions, dog walking, befriending, etc. C lambert had reported that Linkwell were already in talks with the Billingborough Co-op to set up a delivery system during the Covid 19 emergency and were looking for more volunteers. Payment details had yet to be confirmed, and were also in need of monetary donations to help with the running costs of this.

The manager of the Co-op said she had just been notified that the Co-op was to dedicate certain opening hours for the elderly and vulnerable, etc

C Woodhead enquired if any of the other retailers in the village had either approached Linkwell to participate or had been approached by Linkwell to participate, as yet they had not, but Linkwell intended to do so. D Councillor Hansen said he had a list of contacts that he would collate on a poster and display around the villages. All parties agreed to keep in touch and Linkwell were advised to contact Councils if any further help was required.

345.Volunteer Coordination Proposals

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved that as Linkwell were an experienced local group who had systems in place and were in need of volunteers, the volunteers on the list that the Parish Council had collated would be contacted to ask if they were happy to have their contact details transferred to Linkwell, with the purpose of them being able to assist during this emergency. Chairperson to action.

346.Community Resilience Budget

It was proposed, seconded and Resolved to establish a Community Resilience Budget of £200 from general reserves, with the aim of assisting vulnerable groups within the Parish. Clerk to administer and advise Linkwell.

The Meeting was closed at 11.50am