July 2020 Minutes

Approved Minutes of the Billingborough Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday 7th July 2020 

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R. Stafford, V Vince, F. Stevenson

In Attendance: Mrs H. Beaver (Clerk & RFO)

There were no members of the public present, so the Chairman opened the Meeting at 6.30pm.

1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

347. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first virtual meeting and thanked everyone for taking the time to attend the set-up session. She also thanked everyone for all their hard work and efforts during the lockdown period.

2. Apologies for absence

348.The Clerk reported that apologies for absence, with a valid reason, had been received from Cllr Cope. No apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Pocock. It was Resolved by a show of hands to accept the apologies for absence from Cllr Cope.

3. Receive any new Declarations of Interest

349. There were no new declarations of interest notified

4. To Approve the Minutes of the Meetings held on the 3rd and 21st March 2020

350. It was Resolved by a show of hands to accept the Draft Minutes of the Meetings of Tuesday 3rd March and Saturday 21st March as a true record; the Chairman signed the file copy.

5. To ratify previously circulated list of all resolutions agreed via email since the previous meeting of the 21st of March.

351.It was Resolved by a show of hands that the list described above, that had been collated and previously circulated by the Clerk, was a true record of all resolutions agreed by email.

6. Clerk’s Report including training report.

352.Included on the previously circulated report was a recommendation that it was best practise for the internal auditor to be engaged at the start of the financial year. It was Resolved by a show of hands that the same internal auditor should again be approached to take up this role. Clerk to action. There were no other queries.

7. Finance:

a) To accept the BACS payments approval list circulated retrospectively.

353. It was Resolved by a show of hands to accept the previously circulated list of all payments transacted since the last meeting as a true record.

b) To Confirm the Precept has been received.

354. The Clerk reported that the annual precept of payment of £14,700 had been received, this was verified, by a show of hands, by Cllrs who had checked this against the previously circulated bank statements.

c) To approve BACS payments as per list

This was no longer required due to payments during lockdown being agreed via email.

d) To Confirm the Business Support Grant had been received.

355. The Clerk reported that the business support grant for the cemetery of £10,000 had been received into the bank account. This was verified by a show of hands, by Councillors who had checked the previously circulated bank statements.

e) To confirm the first half of the Community Cleaner grant had been received.

356. The Clerk reported that the first half of the Community Cleaner Grant of £906.88 had been received into the bank account. This was verified, by a show of hands, by Councillors who had checked the previously circulated bank statements.

f) To Resolve to approve the previously circulated accounts for F/Y 2020/21 to the end of June 2020.

357. It was Resolved, by a show of hands to accept the accounts previously circulated for the F/Y 2020/21 to the end of June 2020 to be an accurate account.

g) To accept the Internal Auditor report

358. The Clerk reported that the Internal Audit had taken place and the report had been circulated. It was Resolved, by a show of hands to accept the Internal Audit report.

h) To read out, fill in and sign section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019/20.

359. Section 1 of the AGAR was read out by the Chairman. It was RESOLVED, by a show of hands, that Section 1 of the 2019/20 AGAR be filled in and it was signed by the Chairman. This was recorded as minute reference 7h) 359.

i) To accept and sign Section 2 the accounting statement of the AGAR 2019/20

360. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to accept, and for the Chairman to sign, the previously circulated, section 2 of the 2019/20 AGAR. The RFO to sign once document returned to her. This was recorded as minute reference 7i) 360.

8. To set a date for the Clerk’s Review.

361. The Chairman asked for another Councillor to volunteer to assist her with the Clerk’s review, Councillor Vince volunteered and it was agreed for the review to take place on July 21st at 11am. It was Resolved by a show of hands, that should there be any pay increase, this would be effective from 07/07/2020.

9. To review feedback and agree decision regarding the police station.

362. It was noted that, although this had been previously discussed by Cllrs and the majority were not in agreement with the acquisition of the Police Station to the Assets Register of the Parish Council, it was deemed to be a significant topic, and therefore that the opinion of the parishioners should be sought. It was included in a newsletter that was delivered to every house in Billingborough and Birthorpe. There were only 5 responses, none were in agreement and all except one, were either from representatives of the Village hall or opposing the proposition from the perspective of it being unwanted competition to the village hall. Therefore, as there was no communicated support from parishioners either, it was Resolved, by a show of hands, that this would not be taken any further. Clerk to advise.

10. To review the date and format of the next meeting.

363.After discussion it was Resolved, by a show of hands, that the next date for the Parish Council meeting would remain as per the previously advertised schedule, i.e. September 1st 2020, and would take place either at the pavilion if at all possible, but if not via Zoom.

There being no more business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.10pm.

Next Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 1st September 2020 commencing at 6.30 pm At The Sports Pavilion, Recreation Ground OR via Zoom dependant on Government Guidelines.