November 2020 Minutes

Approved Minutes of the Billingborough Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 

Present: Cllrs C. Woodhead (Chairman), R. Stafford, V Vince (from item 4), P Pocock.

In Attendance: Mrs H. Beaver (Clerk & RFO), D Cllr J Hansen (SKDC)

There were no members of the public present, so the Chairman opened the Meeting at 6.30pm.

1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

398. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting. She reminded Councillors of the importance of replying promptly to emails, especially at this time and notified Councillors that the Remembrance Service was cancelled but a “Youtube” version was going ahead.

2. Apologies for absence

399.The Clerk reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Cope, Stevenson and Surtees. It was Resolved to accept these absences

3. Receive any new Declarations of Interest

400. There were no declarations of interest notified.

4. Cllr vacancies and any possible Co-options

401. The Chairman reported that there were still two vacancies. The positions would  continue to be advertised.

5. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 1st September 2020.

402. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to accept the DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Tuesday 1st September; the Chairman signed the file copy.

6. Planning Applications/Local Plan Review.

403. There were no new planning applications to discuss.

404. There were no comments from Councillors regarding the Local Plan review.

7. To receive any External Reports.

405. D Cllr Hansen reported that several senior officers had recently left SKDC. There had been no new correspondence from SKDC regarding Lockdown 2. Also, that he had reported the missing sign on the A52 repeatedly to highways and he was hopeful that it would soon be replaced. He reported that although LCC were very much in favour of devolution, after a Government Inspection plans for this had been put on hold.

8. To receive any Community Reports.

406. No reports had been received.

9. To ratify pre circulated list of all resolutions agreed via email since previous meeting.

407. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to accept the previously circulated list as a true record.

10. Clerk’s report, (previously circulated), matters arising and any correspondence received

408. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to use one of the bins already ordered as a replacement for the damaged one on Vine St.

409. The Clerk was tasked to arrange another appointment with the internal auditor.

410.  It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to move £20k to the reserve account.

411. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to accept the quote from Glendale for £208 + VAT for the cutting of the horsefield hedge.

412. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to decline the request to have a car event on the Recreation Ground.

413. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to carry out all works required at the pavilion from this year’s budget except for repairs to the porch and carrying out the addition of hot water to the toilets.

11. Finance

a) To resolve to agree previously circulated BACS payments made since previous meeting.

414. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to accept the previously circulated list as a true account of payments made.

b) To Resolve to accept the previously circulated accounts to the end of October 2020.

415. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to accept the pre circulated accounts.

12. Correspondence File – to review comments on process and procedure.

416. After discussion, again, it was generally thought that this was a useful exercise and it was decided to continue with the process.

13. To Resolve to open a Facebook account in the name of the Parish Council.

417. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to open a Facebook account, Clerk to Action

14. Village matters

a) General

i) update on all parking and traffic concerns

418. Cllrs asked if D Cllr Hansen could assist with the request from the Parish Council for a Parking Enforcement Officer to attend the village on a regular basis. The Clerk was tasked with writing to the Primary School to ask them to lobby the County Council for help with parking restriction.

 ii) To resolve to agree design and price of VE Day bench

419. The design of the VE Day bench was chosen and the Clerk tasked to place the order. 

 iii) To agree the Grass and Hedge Cutting Contract.

420. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to continue with the current contractors for the total price of £4858.00

b) Recreation Ground

i) Update on Anglian Water Inspection

421. As advised in the previously circulated Clerk’s Report, the work had been completed and Inspected by an Anglian Water Representative. At time of writing the Certificate had not been received.

ii) Update on Bowling Green Hedge

422.This had already been discussed and voted on at the Clerk’s report, Agenda item 10. 

iii)  Request for use of the Football Pitch    

423. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to decline the request from Pointon Football Club to use the pitch at the Recreation Ground on the terms suggested.

c) Springwells

i)  Update on Island

424. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to accept the quote from JC Groundwork and Drainage Ltd for £3500 for the works to the island at the Springwells, however, Cllrs also agreed a further meeting was required with the contractor to finalise details of the works. Clerk to arrange.  

d) Cemetery

425.It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to increase the rent of the horsefield to £100 per year, starting from April 1st 2021. The recent tenants to be advised and offered this rate from April 1st but due to the interruption of the tenancy, to continue using free of charge until then. If the tenancy becomes vacant, then it is to be advertised locally.

15) F/Y 2021/22 Draft Budget, projects and precept setting.

a). Land Rents

426. It was agreed that these would remain the same as last year.

b)  Allotment Fees

427. It was agreed that these would remain the same as last year.

c) Donations

428. No donations were agreed.

d) Cemetery Fees.

429. It was agreed these would remain the same as last year.

e). Parkers charge for Grass cutting at Barleyfields.

430. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to increase the fee charged to Parkers to £290.00

f). Subscriptions

431. No Subscriptions were agreed.

g) Contractors.

432. No rates were agreed.

h). Projects

433. It was Resolved, by a show of hands, to explore the possibility of making the Aveland field into a conservation area in the future. Short term projects discussed were; new gates at the cemetery, another speed sign on Horbling Rd, putting a fence around the play park, another piece of equipment for the play park, the development of a Neighbourhood Plan and the amount of the donation to be received from the Cricket Club. Whilst it was Resolved, by a show of hands as to the budgetary amounts that would be assigned to these projects if they were to go ahead, as time ran out to complete discussions on other projects listed, it was Resolved, by a show of hands, to hold an EGM to complete the Budget discussions on Tuesday 17th November.

i) Precept

434. The Clerk advised that no correspondence had yet been received from SKDC regarding the precept.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 09.35 pm

Next EGM of the Parish Council: Tuesday 17th November 2020 commencing at 6.30 pm via Zoom